Iris unknown
By Lori
- 30 May, 2017
product of a swap meet last Victoria Day weekend.
Comments on this photo
TY, tbp. it's starting it's second flush of bloom!
4 Jun, 2017
Wow! It's really beautiful! I have a really big South African Iris. This one looks like it has bigger flowers.
6 Jun, 2017
That is wonderful Lori 2 blooms wow.
6 Jun, 2017
It's a re-bloomer, I think. but usually with the rebloomers they don't start again until later in the summer. Perhaps it's just much bloom it has to come in waves!
I have an iris that has even darker blooms, D1, and it may be of the ilk of your S.A. iris as it is huge...even the leaves are massive! If the sun ever shines again I want to put up a pic for you to see... It's called Midnight Revelry...and come to think of it, I probably do have it on here as I've had it at least three years now.
6 Jun, 2017 hmmm.... interesting... I searched and it came up ...I cut and paste and it won't come up!
6 Jun, 2017
Its not coming up for me either Lori
6 Jun, 2017
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