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Unknown Fuchsia over 6 feet tall on a trellis !


By Hywel

Unknown Fuchsia over 6 feet tall on a trellis !

It is hardy ... been there for many years.
Don't know its name. It isn't Lady Boothby.

Comments on this photo


Very nice and similar colour flower as 'Lady Boothby' but looks much frillier in centre. My Magellanica aurovariegata is up to about seven feet at the moment too Hywel. It seems to climb up with the Clematis and Jasmine planted near it and you only notice it when a few flowers open up in the heights.

11 Sep, 2017


Thanks. It's more of a double flower than Lady Boothby. The leaves are different too.
They look nice climbing through other plants don't they. There are two Clematises mingling with this one :)

11 Sep, 2017


Who cares about its name, it's fabulous.

13 Sep, 2017


Stunning display.

13 Sep, 2017


Than you both.
I like to know the names because I don't want to buy duplicates. If I know what I've already got, I can decide which other ones to buy :)

13 Sep, 2017


I understand what you mean if I come across it I ll pm you.

13 Sep, 2017


Thank you :)

13 Sep, 2017


Your welcome Hywel ☺x

13 Sep, 2017


:) x

13 Sep, 2017


'Lady Boothby' is certainly is not! Looks more like one I used to grow as standards, 'Beacon' but I've no idea if it can get as big as yours, Hywel.

It looks very much the one that has been growing in the strawberry planter for the last 3 or 4 years which is 'Beacon'.

14 Sep, 2017


No it isn't beacon.

14 Sep, 2017


Not surprised as I didn't really think it was only that it looks like 'Beacon'. Hope you manage to identify it soon as that would be interesting.

14 Sep, 2017


Thanks ... I don't think I'll ever identify it. I bought it many years ago in a nursery that got it's stock from the Netherlands, but it doesn't sell Fuchsias now. I've never seen it anywhere else.

14 Sep, 2017


May be Lady in black?

15 Sep, 2017


Thanks for the suggestion but I don't think it is. This one is quite blue and Lady in Black is very dark, like Blackie.

16 Sep, 2017


Yes your right looking at them together now on the computer. How about this one which is hardy.

16 Sep, 2017


Ah sorry it isn't Dollar Princess. I've got that one. It's a much fuller flower and has very bushy growth. This one is tall and spindly.
Thanks for trying to help :) x

16 Sep, 2017


Your very welcome Hywel sounds as though you have a one off rare one ☺ if its spindly sounds like a climbing one.

17 Sep, 2017


What a beaut!

17 Sep, 2017


Thank you all :)

Thruppenybit it was bought from a nursery that got its stock from the Netherlands. It doesn't sell Fuchsias now so I don't think I'll find it again in a British place.

17 Sep, 2017


Perhaps you could search on a Netherlands site Hywel for it then.

19 Sep, 2017


If I get some time one day lol

20 Sep, 2017


lol yes there is nt enough hours in a day is there and you have got your garden jobs to fit in with the weather.

20 Sep, 2017


Beryl is so disabled now that it's a full time job caring for her. I can't leave her on her own. When I go down the garden we have a buzzer and if she needs me she presses the button and the buzzer makes a sound, so I go back in the house to see what help she needs. So whatever I am doing I get interrupted and things often have to be left or put on hold until another time.
Sorry that sounds very moany lol :D

21 Sep, 2017


Its not moany at all Hywel a lot of stress is put on careers I know I looked after my mum for nearly 30 years its a shame you cant get a rest bite in for Beryl even if its just for one day so you can have a day to your self sorry Beryl is now got worse its a lot of hard work for you then tending your beautiful garden as well.

22 Sep, 2017


Thank you :) x

22 Sep, 2017


Your very welcome Hywel ☺ x

22 Sep, 2017

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