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Salvia Embers Wish


By Amy2

Salvia Embers Wish


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Amy I bought this earlier in the year disappointing that the flowers when open last only a day, took cuttings that rooted easily but can't see me keeping them

11 Aug, 2018


Nice, salvias are so lovely

12 Aug, 2018


Your salvias are always wonderful... no change at all with the new garden.

13 Aug, 2018


Brian what a shame the flowers are still blooming on my plant but it is new to me , how did you take cuttings ,from the tips or stems ?
Thanks Dawn / Lori yes Salvias are a must for me :o)

15 Aug, 2018


Love this one......

16 Aug, 2018


Amy sorry i did not see your question ,they were semi ripe stem cuttings

25 Aug, 2018


Thanks Brian ,I'll have a go ...

26 Aug, 2018


It's a good doer but not the best in the Wish series. That honour deffo goes to Love and Wishes now.

6 Oct, 2018


I took several side shoots off my plant which I'm pleased to say have all taken and look healthy plus they even have flowers on them in the cold frame ,unbelievable in such a short space of time . This is still my fav at the moment Keith it's still blooming and doesn't look like stopping ...

7 Oct, 2018


Ditto Love and Wishes here. I must take some cuttings though!

7 Oct, 2018


Do you have S. Peter Vidgeon Keith ? it was a gift and another thats bloomed all summer long and still is , I'll look out for seed from it ,I seem to remember you already have S .Bluenote I'm collecting seed from that if not ..

7 Oct, 2018


No Peter Vidgeon next Amy but I do have Blue Note.

14 Oct, 2018


Funny thing is I've been looking almost daily for seed off the P V ,the flowers are dropping off but no sign of seeds ,I put a plastic bag over one set of flowers but they just went mouldy ,I've take 3 cuttings which so far are looking healthy fingers crossed for them ...

14 Oct, 2018


Amy . in the last few week< Embers Wish > has vastly improved in the way it flowers not sure why,you talk of over wintering cuttings in frame how hardy are they ? any idea

15 Oct, 2018


I'm glad to hear your plant has improved Brian perhaps the rain helped ,This is my first year of taking cuttings from Embers Wish but have always had good overwintering from most Salvias they seem to be pretty hardy ,the foliage tends to die down but thats normal if its rooted well it will emerge again next year .. Good luck ..

15 Oct, 2018


Amy - my 'Pink Blush' is producing seed if you want some. Nice and hardy, fast growing and it has a long bloom season.

15 Oct, 2018


Thanks Keith thats kind of you ,yes please ,see my blog I have a greenhouse ,I'm ready for anything Lol ...

Just a thought you probably don't know my new address I'll PM it to you ...

15 Oct, 2018

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This photo is of "Salvia Embers Wish " in Amy2's garden

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