More Crocus
By Bjs

5 Oct, 2018
Names are on the pictures
Jamie update still improving, but still falls over when he acts mad
Comments on this photo
Good to know that Jamie is “acting mad” - that has to be a good sign :)
5 Oct, 2018
Tell Jamie we say he has to stop acting mad. Love the Crocuses.
5 Oct, 2018
Well done to Jamie for still improving ... good boy!
5 Oct, 2018
I love the idea of Jamie Acting Mad! :) Brian, i have a pot of autumn crocus this year and they are growing but not yet flowering. Do you think I should take them in to the greenhouse, or are they ok on my south-facing wall?
5 Oct, 2018
You can't keep a good dog down can you? It is good to hear he is feeling like going mad even if he is not quite up to it yet. He has made good progress very quickly. I wish I could catch up with him but another fall and cracked ribs are making me feel absolutely useless. I cannot bend down and have difficulty standing up or sitting down. No gardening for me since last Thursday evening and OH has to help me in and out of bed. I know they will heal given time so I am just going to have to be patient. I have managed to get some photos of our Colchicums and Sternbergia. I will try to post them because it is looking very cheerful down beside the greenhouse. I am enjoying getting a close up look at your crocus and the snowdrops. This is a particularly lovely colour.
5 Oct, 2018
Poor you Sheila. I hope the pain isn't too overwhelming, and that you heal fast. :)
5 Oct, 2018
Oh my god Sheila what do you get up to,that sounds really painful we all here at Stradbrook hope you improve soon,could I suggest you put a wee drop of water in it, could make the world of difference to your balance ,either that or I send you a few of Jamies pills they seem to be keeping him from falling over (at some cost )
5 Oct, 2018
I'm afraid the pain was like nothing I have ever experienced in the past. I'm now on stronger pain killers but my GP has said it will be a horrible three weeks before I see much improvement and he reckons it will be 8 to 10 weeks before I am reasonably normal again. sady I came down on my front including my face. A cauliflower nose did nothing for my looks and bleeding from that and a couple of head scrapes had 3 passersby stop to ask if I wanted them to call an ambulance. I tripped as I went in to next doors garden. He got me a chair and when I recovered my senses I was able to get up using that. I have bruising to both arms and both legs and my right hand swelled up but I am getting along fine. OH is taking good care of me and I am grateful that I did not break anything. Trips to hospital and the GP has meant I have to be driven and there is the bonus of being able to drink in all the wonderful autumn colours as we go along our rural roads. There is always a silver lining lol.
5 Oct, 2018
Never mind the cost Bjs. Send the pills. Lol. Forget the pills a wee toddy might be more effective Ha Ha.
5 Oct, 2018
I am often amazed at what you are able to grow outside ,for me crocus do well inside but outside depends a lot on the weather the autumn ones for the most have longer flower stems and not a lot of leaves to support them so winds and rain will bend them over,in the wild they often grow through low vegetation that supports them.
Personally I think it a shame to have them wrecked after the care i take with them so inside they go for safety.
5 Oct, 2018
Take Care Sheila I wish you well night night
5 Oct, 2018
This is very pretty.
Lovely news about Jamie, glad he is lively again :-)
6 Oct, 2018
Thanks Brian. I shall put them in the greenhouse :)
6 Oct, 2018
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Love the contrast against the purple acer foliage ..
5 Oct, 2018