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Schlumbergera (Schlumbergera truncata andS x buckleyi)

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Lovely flower.

3 Nov, 2018


It is always lovely to see these pretty flowers reappear.

3 Nov, 2018


So pretty.......

4 Nov, 2018


Thanks Linda you've reminded me to bring mine indoors I'm afraid they've been neglected since moving...

5 Nov, 2018


They are so beautiful at this time of year.

6 Nov, 2018


Lovely show of blooms there Linda. My one is doing the same and has lots of flowerbuds coming too. I gave it a feed so perhaps that helped too.

7 Nov, 2018


Lovely picture of your Christmas Cactus, Linda! My plants have been flowering for a few weeks now & at the moment I have a deep red one, a neon pink one & an apricot pink one that have flowered.

8 Nov, 2018


This is a small one I bought last year. I have a lovely white one with pale pink centre. The others I have had for least thirty years. They are great at this time of year.

8 Nov, 2018


WOW! That's a long time to keep a plant! Mine are about half yours but I can't be sure as I've taken cuttings over the years & these in particular may not be that old.

I have one big plant my daughter gave me for Christmas 4 or 5 years ago. It's what I call 'Neon Pink' & it also has been flowering for over a week but it only seems to be putting out half a dozen flowers at a time but there are 100s of bud at different stages of growth!

12 Nov, 2018


They seem to go on and on, Balcony. I have two old ones. I think they were cuttings. I will photograph another new one I bought last year. It is white/pink. Beautiful.

14 Nov, 2018


Amy if your plants are still outside you'd better think about moving them in over the weekend as we are forecast some quite cold weather starting next week with frosts forecast!

I no longer have any of the salmon pink ones flowering but there are a few of the deep red ones still growing! The big Neon pink one is still producing lots of buds & I will be taking a few more photos over the coming weeks to add to the ones I uploaded to my photos page today!

14 Nov, 2018

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This photo is of species Schlumbergera truncata andS x buckleyi.

This photo is of "Schlumbergera" in Linda235's garden

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