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Brugmansia 'Jamaican Yellow'

Brugmansia 'Jamaican Yellow' (Brugmansia 'Jamaican Yellow')

The Angels' Trumpets were blooming like crazy this winter because of all the rain. Photo taken April 14, 2019.

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What a great display its given you it looks great.

20 May, 2019


Its rained record amounts here. More rain tonight and tomorrow and they say the warming trend for the weekend could go away with more showers instead.
Sick of it!

20 May, 2019


Don't you know the saying "We have to put up with the weather whether we like it or not"?

21 May, 2019


Here,its "But we need the rains". No,not now! Seedling tomatoes are yellow green.
As I type? winds are howling. Crazy for late May when it should be warm and sunny.

21 May, 2019


I know the weather here in sunny, hot San Diego has been really cool and rainy. This is the most rain I've ever seen during May in San Diego ,ever! Typically, the rain stops after March. We need the rain, though. We can never have enough.

23 May, 2019


The usual weather patterns all over the world seem to have disrupted, no doubt due to climate change. We are living in a warming world which is causing all kinds of weather patterns to change.

We had one of the driest & warmest Aprils on record this year in the UK & here, in East Anglia, near Cambridge, we had only 1cm (less than 1/2") of rain in the whole month! It's officially recorded by the Met Office as having been the driest place in the UK during April!

We didn't break any records for the amount of sunshine nor the highest temps in the land but all the same the first Monday in May was the warmest since records began 150 years ago. Some places in the UK set new records for being the hottest day they have ever experienced! (Not here though!)

24 May, 2019



Wow! How warm was it there?

26 May, 2019


Where I live it got up to 23C! In other parts of the UK they reached 26C or perhaps more! I don't remember very well now. It was May 6th, Bank Holiday Monday.

Today was also a Bank Holiday, Late spring they call it! We won't have another till the last Monday in August. But the temps didn't even reach the 20C mark today.

27 May, 2019


Warming trend finally. Seasonal to above average in the near future.
Good enough.

28 May, 2019


26c is the normal high here this time of year. lol!

29 May, 2019



We've had so few days above 80f/27c here this year so far. Typically, we have some days around 92-95f/33-35c by now if not hotter. I have a feeling the extreme heat will be here by next month! Ugh! The ocean temps are above normal, not sure if San Diego's coastal waters will be up to 83f/28c like last year, though.

29 May, 2019


Nice here if not very warm. 70's. I don't see a hot summer at all. It is kind of topsy turvy that this part of the bay area has had a warmer spring then Los Angeles.
Soon,the night temps will be as warm by average as it gets 60f,being the average.
At least all that gray drizzle..cold winds is gone.

I see a lot of tropical plant people in soucal are seeing a lot of yellow palms..some rot. Most of those palms I would never try since what they call a cool spring is what we have every year!

2 Jun, 2019


I hope you get some hot days to get the tropicals growing!

I haven't noticed a lot or any ill effects on the plants here, besides them growing slowly.

5 Jun, 2019


This year won't set records for warm in Los Angeles. It was warmer in San Fran June!
Nice the the last 2 days...then cooler ,than warmer to hot for the weekend.
I'm just watering things now. I got more into the ground over the last few weeks Andy. Most of it is in the "old man who plants an acorn and says, It will be huge one day,I can't wait to see that!".
At least better than pots.

6 Jun, 2019

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