The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Lemon Cucumber, Strawberry

Lemon Cucumber, Strawberry

My first Lemon Cuke! Wouldn't the pic. look really good if the Strawberries were RED!!

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Looks wonderful

11 Aug, 2008


Lemon cukes - mmmmm so good soaked in vinegar and sugar. Remember the good ones last year???? lovely strawberries and lots of blossoms. God for you.

15 Aug, 2008


Lovely, Pollyanna! Reminds me of the year my Dad grew these cucumbers. The strawberries look as if they are getting there, too.

16 Aug, 2008


The lemon cucumber, I haven't heard of these before, but sound really refreshing. Your growing loads Gloria and its all looking lovely!!

16 Aug, 2008


Thank you Janey

17 Aug, 2008


Well that cucke has come and gone David! Yum! The "2" strawberries also! This year of veggie growing in deck containers is a learning process for me. I'm looking forward to next year armed wth new knowlege!!

17 Aug, 2008


Good Luck for your future veggy plans, Pollyanna. I'm sure that you'll "have a ball" as the saying goes. Probably a feast, too, come to think of it.

18 Aug, 2008

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This photo is of "Lemon Cucumber" in Pollyannaever's garden

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