Salvia 'Black and Blue'

31 Aug, 2020
Year two for this Salvia ... over Wintered in a cold greenhouse.
Comments on this photo
It’s a pretty colour. Think they must run out of names!
31 Aug, 2020
I was just remembering a Passion Flower called 'Silly Cow' and a Dianthus 'Slap & Tickle' ... what is going on??
1 Sep, 2020
Wow, I love it! Another on my wish list..:))
1 Sep, 2020
Janey, I have read that Salvia cuttings root in water. Shall I try it and see?
1 Sep, 2020
Ooh yes please Shirley, I rooted some Amistad in water...
Thank you..:))
1 Sep, 2020
Righty-ho then ... I shall do that tomorrow Janey. Rain water or from the tap please?
Julia, no need to apologise, the more the merrier!
1 Sep, 2020
I used tap water Shirley and popped them on my kitchen windowsill. Have you got a Salvia Amistad? Would you like one if you haven't? They've come on in leaps and bounds since I potted them up..:))
2 Sep, 2020
Janey, some cuttings are now in water on my kitchen windowsill. I would love a Salvia 'Amistad' ... such a gorgeous deep purple ... many thanks.
3 Sep, 2020
Lovely plants. My neighbour let me take some cuttings last year and they have all grown and flowered well this year so I took some cuttings again a couple of weeks ago.
3 Sep, 2020
That's good Lindak ... did you start them off to root in water?
3 Sep, 2020
No Shirley, I put them into the compost. I cut of two lots of leaves and sunk them into the pot then watered.
3 Sep, 2020
Thanks Lindak, I think I will try some more cuttings from a different Salvia ... using the traditional method of compost in pots just to see how the water ones fare in comparison! Well, it will keep me out of trouble ... :o)
3 Sep, 2020
Haha Shirley, I did that too. The water ones rooted more quickly than the compost ones, but the compost rooted ones grew more strongly. The water rooted ones lacked the nourishment they needed, but soon caught up, once potted up. See how yours go, maybe rainwater would be better..
Good, Salvia Amistad is yours..:))
3 Sep, 2020
Janey, that's interesting information, thanks.
I have Salvia 'Dyson's Maroon' and 'Hot Lips' which are looking lovely now ... all three of mine were bought at RHS Wisley Plant Fair two years ago.
4 Sep, 2020
They are just fabulous plants Shirley for mid summer and autumn... and should be good plants then..:))
5 Sep, 2020
Ours are in the ground.....with no winter protection....
21 Sep, 2020
Dotty, I left the other two in the ground, Hot Lips and Dyson's Maroon, both of which have flowered really well but was advised to shelter Black and Blue.
21 Sep, 2020
Yes so were we, but we ignored
22 Sep, 2020
How very cavalier of you! ... :o)))
22 Sep, 2020
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Thanks, some plants really are given daft names!
31 Aug, 2020