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Fatsia japonica 'Spiders Web'

Fatsia japonica 'Spiders Web' (Fatsia japonica (Japanese aralia))

First flowers on this shrub. Just for my records.

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It seems happy in this East facing border. I just read that the flower stem should be removed after flowering . . . will I remember to do so though?!!

26 Oct, 2020


That is so pretty.

26 Oct, 2020


Good idea Julia ... I can just see a whole lot of Post-it notes stuck around the place! ... :o)

Chris, I am really pleased with it and glad I chose it over the plain green leaved variety.

27 Oct, 2020


I think this one is much nicer then the plain green one too,Shirley.does it get as big as the green one?

27 Oct, 2020


Sandra, this should reach 2.5 mtrs height and spread, so not as big as the plain one, but I will keep a check on it . . . don't want it to grow huge!

27 Oct, 2020


Oh dear,another one that wouldn't suit my garden Shirley. You must have a decent sized area to be able to have it in yours. would it be for the area where your neighbours took their trees down ,by any chance ? x

27 Oct, 2020


Sandra, it's planted in the space left where a Lilac used to be. I realised that for about three weeks of the year the Lilac looked pretty, rest of the year, dull! Plus I was fed up with digging out all the suckers it sent out ... :o(

27 Oct, 2020


Agree with the other comments, it’s a very attractive fatsia, Shirley. Loving the flowers on it, reminds me a little of the flowers on my ivy hedge.

27 Oct, 2020


Yes, I see what you mean Kate ... :o)

28 Oct, 2020


This is our favourite Fatsia.......yours is doing well....

10 Nov, 2020


Thanks Dotty, I hope it stays that way!

11 Nov, 2020

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Pictures by shirley_tulip
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