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Motor bike 1946 BSA for Paul


By Amy2

Motor bike 1946 BSA  for Paul

Hubby brought this home in boxes I thought it was scrap all rusty parts ,he spent months repairing it doing it up ,this is the result ..

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Well done Tony, that looks great..When are you both going out for a spin,Amy ? lol.Russell passed his test on a BSA ,in 1961 .,he loved his bikes :o)

28 Jan, 2021


That is gorgeous Amy. I love how the exhaust pipe wraps around the engine in iconic fashion. Definitely a classic. Have you riden it yet? You'll need a leather riding suit with spiked gloves? Thanks so much for posting

28 Jan, 2021


Sandra I've only ever been up the road on it , we gave it to our son-in-law some time ago he still has it ,we didn't feel safe in today's fast traffic , we had a Triumph Thunderbird in the 60's before the days of wearing crash helmets etc it's a wonder we survived ...
Thanks Paul I'm glad you like it Hubby put in an awful lot of work to get it into this condition , as I said we gave it to our son- in -law I don't think I would dare go out with him he goes to fast for me ........

28 Jan, 2021


Oh,I remember our biker days too,Amy,you knew you were going to fast,when you could feel yourself sliding as a pillion passenger ! Oh my goodness,so scary ! We had a Yamaha when we got married,and carried a Standard Rose between us from a Garden centre,with a police car next to us at the traffic Lights ! He never said a,we sold it shortly afterwards,as we needed some new windows.! Happy Days Lol ...

28 Jan, 2021


Gosh Amy and Sandra you are braver than me! On my one pillion ride on a big bike through Manchester I was totally terrified and said Never Again...

28 Jan, 2021


They were good days Sandra , we always went to the Saturday night dance in Ely it was the high light of the week ,the last bus home was at 11.45 pm no all night nonsense like today , our aim was always to overtake the bus on its way home , no crash helmets then either , I'd have a fit if I knew my children did that , my brother had a motorbike with a sidecar normal in those days hardly anybody had a car , we pinched it to have ago on it, it was a disaster very difficult to steer we went round the first corner and straight through the cemetery gates its true no harm done we weren't going fast enough Lol ...
You get use to it Yorks , I wouldn't do it now ..

29 Jan, 2021


Oh Amy,what daredevils we were ,and stupid ! lol.but great times. We also had the cheek to carry a long narrow coffee table between us, to our new home .! I laughed about the Motor bike and side car ,Russell had one too,a royal Enfield 500 , His dad went with him to buy it in Manchester,and he sat in the side car.,to come home..oh dear ! on the way,his dad punched his fist through the roof,as there where no windows ,,telling him he was scraping along the side of a double decker bus,as Russell wasn't used to judging the distance.Lol..a few choice words for sure ! :o)

29 Jan, 2021


That's a super bike and amazing work in getting it back together again. Well done. Yes we had a James 250 with a faring and I travelled on the back. and it got cold in the winter I had to dress like a teddy with lots of layers on.

29 Jan, 2021


That made me laugh Sandra and proves how difficult they are to steer with a sidecar .I can just imagine you with a coffee table between you , we wouldn't get away with it today would we Lol ..
That was the drawback Linda very cold and you arrived looking windswept hair standing on end ..

30 Jan, 2021


Oh,the tales I could tell,Amy ! lol,not to mention the Crash helmet,Russell's sister gave me,with A Skull and Crossbones motif on ! Ha ha..xx

30 Jan, 2021


You were Hell Angels Sandra Lol .
The first time I went out with Tony I was wearing a pretty dress you know the kind in the 60's full skirts masses of floaty petticoats underneath , what he didn't tell me was he had an oil leak , yes you've guessed it , I had a streak of black oil right up up my back ... he was lucky to see me again Haha ...

30 Jan, 2021


Amy, over here it was Jackie Onassis who set the fashion trends of the 60s. Whatever she wore, that was it! Not sure about the UK though. It was all before my time.

30 Jan, 2021


Not quite Hells Angels,Amy, more Hinge and Bracket ! lol Russell has just informed me,it was a 'Scrambler'helmet,he used to have,with the leather ear flaps and a chin strap ! Lol..I must have looked like a world war 2 pilot ! ha ha.

I loved those full skirts and petticoats of the 60's,too,a
must for our Rock and roll days ,:o)
They were just the best times,were'nt they? I bet it took a long time before you stopped reminding Tony of the oil,..if ever .ha ha. x

30 Jan, 2021


that is a beauty Amy. The tank is a similar green to ours.

Over the years Steve has brought home several bikes in tea chests and assorted boxes. All ended up shiny and lovely. We have 14 complete in the garage and 1 on the bench.

I did a blog about his Panther - The big cat. last year.

Our first date was on a Triumph T21 'bathtub'. I'd never been on 2 wheels before so it was rather nerve wracking. Back in the late 70's I never wore trousers so all trips were in dresses or skirts. When I think of the Kevlar safety wear that I don now it makes me shiver thinking about the heady dating years. Thankfully no mishaps.

Early Eighties had me in at least jeans and a Belstaff jacket and Derry boots.

30 Jan, 2021


Just posted photo of ours Amy. Steve put a dual seat on it so I could go pillion.

30 Jan, 2021


Wow Sbg you have a museum of motorbikes it's obviously a big hobby in your house , My Hubby is very impressed . do you know the seat was the cheapest part to renovate on this bike there was nothing there except the bare bones of metal we went into our local Cobblers an old repair shop and asked if he could make us a new seat he did an amazing job and only charged us £ 5. we couldn't believe it , it was perfect .. did you use to show yours off at Matlock ?
I'm off to look at your photo :o)

31 Jan, 2021


Eileen, memories of Derriboots - weren't they great? And those petticoats...Am really enjoying reading everyone's memories of daredevil days!

31 Jan, 2021


No we don't usually show the bikes Amy but if we go on any rally rides they are usually appreciated. As you can imagine in previous years we have had many to go to. We are also members of various club marques and usually go to the monthly meetings.
We also have a P4 Rover 80 and a soft top Triumph Spitfire. The Rover is still original and the triumph was a box job that was a 6 month renovation back in 1997

31 Jan, 2021


A vintage beauty, Amy!

28 Feb, 2021

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