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Hellebore and friend.


By Anget

Hellebore and friend.

The hellebores are rather tatty this year - I think from all the rain. The cowslips have spread all through the borders. The red ones are increasing in numbers. I like these very much.

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One of mine is the same Anget!

25 Feb, 2021


Rose, in our house a few years ago, we had cowslips all through the lawn. Initially, some were put into a border and they hopped down the slight slope of the grass and in a few years covered the whole space. In Spring they were an absolute picture but it meant we couldn't cut the grass for weeks (Great excuse!). The bees loved them.

25 Feb, 2021


I expect that cowslip lawn looked superb.

25 Feb, 2021


My garden is like this too with all kinds of oddities popping up crawling around and slithering about. That's the spice of life.

27 Feb, 2021


Would be nice to see the cowslip lawn, Ange! Especially with all those lovely bees buzzing around too!

28 Feb, 2021


Thank you, all. Yes, the grass did look wonderful but I don't seem to have a photo which is a shame. They are very easy-to-please plants, so worth a try if you want them naturalised and have a little bit of rough ground. And cheap to buy!

28 Feb, 2021


I bet it was a picture Anget! One of my hubbys favourite!

3 Mar, 2021


It was indeed, Rose. The borders here are slowly being colonised. That's ok.

3 Mar, 2021


That's a shame about the Hellebore Ange, as it looks a real beauty. Yes the red cowslip is very pretty.

6 Mar, 2021


We've now discovered we have a whole cluster of red ones under a rose, Janey. There's even a plum-coloured one there, too. Never seen a cowslip that colour! I'm wondering whether it's a cross with some Wanda primroses in the next bed. Busy bees!

7 Mar, 2021


Beautiful x

15 Mar, 2021

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