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Rose cuttings


By Amy2

Rose cuttings

I'm pleased to see my climbing rose cuttings have survived the winter and shooting ... I have 6 ... don't ask me which are which ,silly woman I didn't label them some came from A Shropshire Lad plus ..Compassion and another I took which I loved but didn't know its name ..

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That looks really strong doesn't it? If all of them do as well as this, you won't know where to put them all!!
Well done you.

17 Mar, 2021


Well, if you're anything like me the labels would be unreadable by the time the roses had rooted anyway! Lots of my cuttings' labels are illegible after the winter...

17 Mar, 2021


Looking good Amy. Know the problem, I've got a label moving poltergeist in my garden.

17 Mar, 2021


Look very healthy

17 Mar, 2021


I was about to say the same. Looks a very tough cutting, nice and strong! Looking forward to seeing the roses in bloom I’ll bet!

17 Mar, 2021


My, aren't they looking healthy! Oh dear, such a long wait to discover which is which....

17 Mar, 2021


well done they don't always take do they? I have put some strong prunings into pots in the hope they will root.

18 Mar, 2021


Thank you all for your kind comments , I expect I'll have to wait another year or two to find out which ones they are , Good luck with your prunings Sbg let us know if they take ..

18 Mar, 2021


You've always done well with your rose cuttings Amy and this one is looking very healthy!
I've been pruning my Compassion and tying it in to the wall today. Previously it had been growing through my cherry tree, but I'm having it pruned in the autumn so decided I'd retrain Compassion onto a large empty space that was crying out for it! x

24 Mar, 2021


Thanks Janey it will be interesting to see which roses have taken I have a Compassion so the chances are that I have a new one in these cuttings .. it'll take a long time to reach the maturity of your beautiful one your walls are ideal to show climbing plants off on ,I'm envious .. x

26 Mar, 2021

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