The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Allium Sphaerocephalon


By Amy2

Allium Sphaerocephalon

Comments on this photo


That looks really pretty and the leaves don't seem to be as untidy as some varieties of Alliums.

18 Jul, 2021


The heads are smaller and more compact ,they grow well in the gravel area :o)

18 Jul, 2021


They are so pretty aren’t they, Amy! I did see some today at the GC..tempted, but where on earth I’d plant them I don’t know.

18 Jul, 2021


Lovely to see these tall Alliums, Amy! 😃 My tall ones didn't flower this year though I bought a 100 bulbs last autumn & they flowered very well in June!

19 Jul, 2021


Your photo has jogged my memory, ive not seen mine this year.

19 Jul, 2021


They don't take up a lot of room Kate and rise above lower plants.
100 bulbs wow that should give a spectacular show David ..
Yours might be hiding amongst other taller plants Sue , hopefully you will find them ....

20 Jul, 2021


Amy, they did indeed! But they were the dwarf species, I put them in the blog I wrote a few weeks ago. They were mostly yellow. Though I did have a few whites & a few mauves.

23 Jul, 2021


They look very nice, Amy, but when I grew them, they seeded everywhere & l was forever digging the seedlings up, like weeds, so never again!

26 Jul, 2021


I haven't had that problem yet Ff perhaps I will another year , I've only had them in one year ...

27 Jul, 2021


As I have them growing in pots (being as I garden on a balcony) it's easier to keep on top of seeds as I remove the flowerheads when they are finished.

A bigger problem with them I find, especially the small ones, is that they make 100s of tiny bulbils! These are very difficult to clear away in a garden but even I have problems on the balcony with them. I have a couple of bigger tubs in which the soil is never changed & years ago I planted some white Alliums (the small ones) in them & in one they still come up every year by the 100s! They form a thick mass of leaves but few flowers. (I think the soil is too wet & I fertilize it too much for them to grow flowers & instead they produce more leaves) There are other plants in them apart from the Alliums.

I find that the bulbils form on the surface or 1/2" below & they are scattered very easily & are difficult to collect. I won't have that problem with the ones I planted in pots to go on the balcony railings as before they finished flowering I emptied out the rootballs & put them in plastic nappy bags! Now that the leaves have finished dying back they can stay in the bags all summer before being replanted in the autumn, in the same place!

29 Jul, 2021


I think having them in pits is a good idea Balcony. It was probably the bulb is that was the problem with them.

30 Jul, 2021


I absolutely love this pic Amy, gone to faves.
I can't understand why I've missed your photos, but I'm catching up now..:)) x

15 Sep, 2021


Janey I'm way behind ,I don't think I'll ever catch up :o(

15 Sep, 2021


I think most of us have that problem as well! It can be a challenge to read & comment on others blogs & photos.I find it quite difficult as most of my time is occupied on Flickr where I,m an admin for two groups & a mod for another 5 or 6! Then there's also the uploading of my own pictures! So that's the reason I hardly post blogs any longer.

16 Sep, 2021


Gosh you're a busy man David , I can't understand anybody saying they are bored, there's never enough hours in the day for us ...

16 Sep, 2021


As you say, Amy, I'm quite busy! I spend several hours a day on Flickr, mostly in the evenings.

I also spend a considerable amount of time transferring photos I take with my mobile phone to the computer where I name then & put them in folders. After that I open Picasa 3 where I correct colour, crop & write the file name on the photos. Later I go to Flicker & choose what photos to upload & the groups they are to go in + folders for each photo on Flickr. Then I upload them. Once on Flickr, like in GoY, you wait till people make commentaries on your pictures & then write a reply.

In the groups I manage I have one of my own & another 6 I monitor every day. Mainly this consists of looking at the photos & deciding if they agree with the group policy, if not they are rejected. On the odd occasion this causes the owner of the photo to get upset & I have to explain why I have rejected their picture. Most of the time people don't worry or they say sorry, it was an error. Most people never say anything - perhaps they don't even realise as some pictures can be in, literally, hundreds of groups! Though now Flickr has limited photos to only 60 groups.

17 Sep, 2021

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