The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

For Shirleytulip


By Janey

For Shirleytulip

Not being content with munching their way through the garden, this Slug Scout is checking out the kitchen! What a cheek!!

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We need a button for โ€œ Donโ€™t likeโ€ !

Great to see you back, Janey ๐Ÿ™‚.

1 Oct, 2021


Haha Sheila, aw, thank you!

I'm sure he was Julia, and I treated him to remains in the brown bin!

1 Oct, 2021


They get everywhere :(

2 Oct, 2021


Lol! ๐Ÿ˜‚

2 Oct, 2021


From the thumbnail image on the homepage I thought it was a picture of an Albatross or some other sea bird! Imagine by surprise on opening the picture full size! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ๐Ÿ˜‚

3 Oct, 2021


Janey, I was hoping for a beautiful flower photo, not a slimy slug, ha ha!!

3 Oct, 2021


Yikes Janey ,it made me shiver , Yuk ..

4 Oct, 2021


Greedy grub isnโ€™t he!

4 Oct, 2021


They do Hywel, I'd never staring at me from the window before though! It's as if it was chilly and wanted to come in!

No, Amsterdam, it wasn't funny!..:))

Haha Balc!

Now you know you really like them Shirley!

It did me Amy...I left it to carry on sliding, just pulled the blind down..:)

He was certainly nosy Kate!

4 Oct, 2021


Now the plants, especially the Hostas, are being stripped by Snails ... they have gone to play with the cars in the road ... :o)

5 Oct, 2021


Haha Shirley, you naughty girl you!

6 Oct, 2021


Janey, the garden waste bin is currently at the front of the property awaiting emptying. The regular fortnightly collections are all over the place (shortage of HGV drivers apparently) so when I have anything for the bin and open the lid there are usually one or two snails at the top. It's so easy just to lob them over the verge to the road!

6 Oct, 2021

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