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Carica papaya ‘Red Lady’

Carica papaya ‘Red Lady’ (Carica papaya Red Lady)

This is a close up the many fruit on this Red Lady papaya tree. I must go back to my friend’s house and get some fruit next month. Photo taken on Dec. 17, 2022.

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Quite a crop there Delonix. I wish you a very Happy Christmas and good gardening ion the New Year.

21 Dec, 2022



Thank you. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!

This is my friend’s papaya tree in northern San Diego County. I have several papaya trees, but no papaya fruit this year. My papaya plants are still too young. I’ve had many papayas in the past, though.

21 Dec, 2022


What do you use the fruits for Delonix.

21 Dec, 2022



I eat papayas fresh. You can cook with green ones.

Home-grown papayas are sweet as candy. They’re extremely nutritious, also.

Most people hate papaya because the ones sold in the store are horrible! They literally have no taste. They are picked way too green and immature.

21 Dec, 2022


Thanks for the info Delonix I've learnt something.

22 Dec, 2022



I love home-grown papayas. They’re really the best, so juicy and sweet.

23 Dec, 2022


If I occasionally buy them in the store, I typically throw them in the trash. They’re so horrible! Red Caribbean is one that usually taste pretty good, though. Most are picked way too green.

I just planted a 2 ft tall Red Caribbean in the ground today. Hopefully, it’ll grow! It’s not a good time to plant a papaya tree in the ground. Typically, February or March is better for planting papaya trees.

23 Dec, 2022


Beautiful! Papayas are wonderful.

31 Dec, 2022


Yes, I always try to have 5 or 6 plants in the ground. They’re a short-lived herbaceous plant, typically 4 to 9 years for bearing good fruit.

1 Jan, 2023


Very interesting that they are quite short-lived. Thank you!

1 Jan, 2023


Yes, short-lived, this is why it’s best to start new plants ever year or every other year to get good fruit production.

It’s a very highly ornamental tropical herbaceous plant, which is tree-like.

1 Jan, 2023

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