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Sunny but cool today

Sunny but cool today

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It's very beautiful Klahanie. I feel we have turned a corner here, the sun is setting one minute a day more now..:)

21 Dec, 2022


The blue sea and sky look nice :)

22 Dec, 2022


Picture perfect!

22 Dec, 2022



22 Dec, 2022


Wow! It looks like a winter wonderland. Did you have a white Christmas there?

It was 85 degrees (29 c) here on Christmas Day, yesterday was a one degree cooler. Tonight it’s starting to rain.

28 Dec, 2022


Minus the snow, we had a similar day on Boxing Day (26th December) with totally clear skies from dawn to dusk! (though it was cold!) 👍😀

Today it has been raining most of the day. We have had a maximum of 11C today.

28 Dec, 2022



We only had some good rain last night. It was gone by 7:00 am. We tend to get the least amount of rain in the state, unfortunately. Norther California is going to blasted with lots of rain over the next ten days. It’s very good for the drought. The next rain here will arrive late Saturday and on Sunday.

29 Dec, 2022


"Dig out your shorts Balcony. :-)"

Not likely! Though it's been a very sunny day here the wind has been very cold! I went out onto the balcony but couldn't stay out there for more than 10mins!

29 Dec, 2022



That’s amazing you couldn’t stay outside more than 10 minutes! I can’t comprehend that, as it never happens here in San Diego (even during the coldest nights here).

31 Dec, 2022


As I lived in Spain for the greater part of 30 years both extremes are well known to me. The extreme heat of June - to September & the extreme cold from November through to March. I experienced many more very cold nights in Spain than I have ever lived through here in the UK!

Now in my 7th decade I probably experience the cold more than when I was younger but even so with a temp of only a couple of degrees C & with the added windchill I couldn't stay out more than that!

3 Jan, 2023


Wow! That’s amazing! I always though most of Spain had a very mild-winter climate, but maybe I’m thinking of Malaga which has a similar climate to San Diego (San Diego is typically warmer in winter, though) I don’t think Malaga gets into the 80’s and 90’s during winter like in San Diego.

3 Jan, 2023


No, Spain has mostly continental climate - cold winters & short but hot summers. Around the coasts it's warmer of course & the Mediterranean coasts are the warmest.

Where my wife comes from, & where I spent the greatest part of my years in Spain, the winters are very dry but very cold & in a "normal" winter it was quite common to get down to -10C! Here in the UK that's quite a rare figure! At least away from the north where it is colder & much colder in Scotland.

We live in a region called East Anglia, which forms the majority of the "bulge" you see on maps of the UK.

6 Jan, 2023


Stunning photo Klahanie … sorry I missed it before. Such a gorgeous view- will you paint it?

We had sunshine here today, and I actually did some gardening!

9 Jan, 2023

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