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Trouble maker.

Trouble maker.

Came to see what is available. They can chew through plastic box to get what they want and OH is trying to discourage them from the feeders but they are too smart. They always figure out the way around. This is going on for 18 years.

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It looks healthy!!

9 Jan, 2023


You’re right Klahanie, they are smart. They used to try to get into our feeders with their acrobatic ploys but seem to have given up now.

9 Jan, 2023


A cute troublemaker indeed! We had a horrid rat on our peanut feeder the other day, OH had to ‘get rid of it’. Yuck!

15 Jan, 2023


Klahanie I recently read they don't like any kind of muscle rub i.e. Deep Heat or Voltarol etc. I suppose it's the heat or smell you could try rubbing some round the feeding box it would be an interesting experiment ...

15 Jan, 2023


They look cute and there are a few around here, but I prefer the red squirrels.

29 Jan, 2023


When we lived on the I.O.Wight they only had red squirrels there. Only seen greys around here.

30 Jan, 2023

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