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Akebono ornamental cherry tree

Akebono ornamental cherry tree

I bought this young tree last year. Very popular around here but I do no not have any on the property. There is an old weeping Kwanzan which is in a poor condition but had to be a beautiful tree when planted. Apparently the ornament cherry lives only 20 years but I am sure this was planted when the house was built about 50 years ago.

(Rosaceae) family of plants

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Pretty pink blossoms, what a treat in a couple of weeks!

6 Mar, 2023


They are Klahanie, there are quite a few trees out and about that are just on the verge of blossoming, snow tomorrow though, so all will be stood still for a few days.
I hope you post more pics of your tree when the blossoms are fully out..:)

6 Mar, 2023


I like the delicate pink flowers.

6 Mar, 2023


That's gonna be stunning Klahanie!

7 Mar, 2023


So pretty and dainty.

8 Mar, 2023


Beautiful looking flowers, Klahanie!

10 Mar, 2023

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