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Hippeastrum papilio

Hippeastrum papilio (Hippeastrum papilio (Butterfly amaryllis))

This came as a surprise as I had forgotten I had bought this several years ago, and this is the first time it is flowering. While it may take a couple of years to settle in and then flower, it also took the effort to produce 3 offsets! I grow this outside and it stays evergreen.

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That's a beautiful flower, Wylie! How lucky you are to be able to grow them outside during the winter! Here they would be frozen by Christmas!

I was given an Amaryllis from my son at Christmas & planted it on Christmas Day. It opened the first flower just 2 days ago! It's taken 3 weeks longer than the first ever Amaryllis I was given by one of my sisters 40 years ago as a Christmas present! I also planted it on Christmas Day & it took just 2 months & 1 day to open its first flower!

16 Mar, 2023


I have the cybister types outside as well, and they are putting up flower spikes. I am trying to save the pollen from this to use on them.

17 Mar, 2023


Well, I hope they take & set seed for you. Amaryllis produce a great amount of seeds that are just like tiny black discs.

My very first blog on GoY, (more than 14 years ago!), was about growing Amaryllis from seeds! I've done them twice that way - that's how I ended up with more than 100 plants a few years ago! As well as growing on their offsets!

17 Mar, 2023


Last year I crossed H. cybister 'Evergreen' x 'Chico' in both directions and started the resulting seeds. They have been growing all last summer and through the winter. It is time to transplant them into bigger pots. I just might end up with 100 bulbs in a few years as well. Good thing they are very easy to give away.

19 Mar, 2023


Good luck & I'd love to see the results later when they flower!

20 Mar, 2023


Beautiful flower

21 Mar, 2023


This is originally from just north of you in Santa Catarina.

23 Mar, 2023

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