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Temptation before us!

Temptation before us!

I do post this image each year...we pass these ' forbidden but tempting fruits 'many times a day to reach the office.I feel these pears would not be missed as they are growing over our fence.My OH's favourite fruit too!

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Have they counted them??

2 Sep, 2023


Oh they do look ready to pick and enjoy! Do they reach over to your side and pick them? You'd hope they would leave them for you to sample 🙏

3 Sep, 2023


Definitely a good idea, it'd be such a waste not too! 👍

4 Sep, 2023


I agree with Kate, it would be a waste not to pick a few. When we lived down the road, we had a large veggie patch and when we'd got enough fruit for ourselves, I always asked the neighbours if they wanted any.

7 Sep, 2023

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