The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Painting of one of the bees which enjoyed the 'Brilliant ' Sedum flowers.

Painting of one of the bees which enjoyed the 'Brilliant ' Sedum flowers.

Took a photo of one of the many bees visiting the Sedum last week .Tried using pen and ink with the water colour paints for the first time.

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That's really lovely Julia, I do like the wet on wet background.

21 Sep, 2023


You have inspired me to get going again Julia.
Now the evenings are so much darker, and I've a W&N watercolour pad that's been waiting for months!..:))

23 Sep, 2023


Well done with the painting.

25 Sep, 2023


You're right Meadowland, I've drawn a picture of a horse looking over a stone wall with a cat looking at him. I have always been able to draw horses. Keep the artwork going, you have a great talent.l
Janey, get those brushes working and just express yourself down onto the paper.
My easel is the kitchen worktop, where I stand at the window and paint before the sun shines through it...LOL.

26 Sep, 2023


A really lovely picture you've painted there, ML! I love it! Myself, I couldn't even paint a matchstick man & get you to recognize it!

26 Sep, 2023

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