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Abundance of acer leaves..


By Kate123

Abundance of acer leaves..

Next comes the clear up! They do look pretty and colourful, but, the sweeping, the clearing..not much fun.

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yes certainly not - especially if like me you underplant with ivy or vinca

3 Nov, 2023


The horse chestnuts opposite us are having their leaves blown all over our front and path. I hate this job which drags on all this season. I know how you feel, Kate!

4 Nov, 2023


It is a beautiful season, but the clear up and sludgy leaves.. not so nice. Our little cul de sac was planted up with Rowan trees in every garden, when the houses were built.
Some, like ours, have been removed. There are still many..they do look lovely and green in summertime and the colours are gorgeous in autumn.
The leaves seem to collect on our drive..or maybe I'm just focused on having to get the leaf blower out frequently!!!

4 Nov, 2023


There is a huge Eucalyptus tree along the road from us ... leaves will soon be blocking the gutters and drains ... :o((

4 Nov, 2023


The downside to autumn glory : - (

4 Nov, 2023


I thought they kept leaves Eucalyptus ? Although oddly enough our holly shreads a load of leaves in summer - it looks like autumn in July at back :D I have barked garden now and soil at top awaiting bulbs , leaves are not so bad in my case except the tiny pond

4 Nov, 2023


Paul, the chap who lives closest to it thinks there is a rot issue within it and has asked the Council to get it checked asap! It's a massive tree .. I shall take a photo of it to show what I mean by massive!

4 Nov, 2023


We had a very tall eucalyptus tree, we chopped it down around 6 years or more ago. It was incredibly big for our small back garden. When OH pruned it, we used walkie talkies to communicate. He would climb the tree and I would help him by leaning out one of the windows in order to direct him where to prune. I was so pleased when he agreed to chop it down. It was a nightmare, plus it did lose many leaves during the warmer months. This was annoying as they often landed on the lawn. So, I understand Shirley's frustration!

4 Nov, 2023


Kate, I have put up a photo of the Eucalyptus tree along the road from us. The image I have of you and your OH with the walkies talkies is hilarious!!

5 Nov, 2023


I'll have a look, now, Shirley.
Yes, it was often quite a comedic performance!!!! Thank goodness we chopped it right down. It was rather sparse in the middle.. and the blasted pigeons would sit on the branches and make a right mess!!!! πŸ˜•

5 Nov, 2023


Pigeons ... they are such clumsy birds too!

5 Nov, 2023


There is a Rowan near our flat Kate, with such a profusion of pale pink berries, it almost fools you into thinking it’s blossom! I must get a pic of it!

11 Nov, 2023


The Acers have so much colour in the Autumn. Kate, I heap the leaves up from the Acers and put them at the back of the flower beds and sometimes the hedgehogs take some for their nest and t he rest rot down. I suppose it depends on how large your trees are with keeping the leaves, but they do make a good compost.

12 Nov, 2023


Shirley, I'm so pleased we don't have pigeons visiting our garden so much now, thankfully a rare occurrence.

12 Nov, 2023


Sounds very striking, Karen. Please do try to post a pic 🀞

12 Nov, 2023


That's sounds perfect for those lovely little hedgehogs, Linda! I almost hear a wonderful little story coming on.
We do have a lot of leaf drop, even the trees/shrubbery from the bund hill.

12 Nov, 2023


Kate, we now have a couple of Collared Doves visiting most days, not quite as clumsy as the Pigeons ... :o)

13 Nov, 2023

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