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Crocosmia Border

Crocosmia Border

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beautiful, welcome to GOY

20 Aug, 2008


Hi Irish

Thank you for the welcome....... nice to be here!!

The photo was taken in our garden a couple weeks ago. Now there are lotssssssssssssss more in flower.


20 Aug, 2008


been looking thru your other photos, your garden must be full of Crocosmia,,

20 Aug, 2008


Ohhhh yes, its only a small garden but there are roughly 3, 500 pots of crocosmia.

We have an open day on Sunday and we are trying to get things in some sort of order!! LOL

20 Aug, 2008


wow 3,500 pots? must take you an age doing the watering?

20 Aug, 2008


It takes us about one and a half hours. Lauri starts on one side of the garden and I start on the other. Luckily we have had a lot of rain lately....

20 Aug, 2008


Now YOU might well be grateful for the rain, but you are most definitely in the minority! lol. Welcome to GOY, by the way, to you both!

20 Aug, 2008


Hi, Mr. & Mrs. Crocosmia, really love your selection, is your whole garden pots? Do you change them each season or is it a nursery you have?

20 Aug, 2008


Thank you for the welcomes..............
Always grateful for the rain, but that doesn't mean we want it all the time. LOL

Noooooooo, the whole garden is not in pots. Its hard to explain really..... i will try and send you a photo of the whole garden from above, then i can show you the layout.
Not a nursery as such, but we do sell some crocosmia and a few bits and pieces.

21 Aug, 2008


Wonderful. I've seen a lot of these flowering in gardens lately and wondered what they were. They are on my wannabuy list now. I think I prefer the red ones though the orange are beautiful too. Do they self seed and do they die down in winter?

25 Aug, 2008


You can see them all over the place........... just don't get any of the orange montbretia. Once you plant it, you will never get rid of it. Its the thug of the crocosmia world.
Have a look on my website at some of the ones i have in my collection

They do die down in autumn and you can collect the seed and grow them.


26 Aug, 2008

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This photo was taken at The Crocosmia Gardens.

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