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Another view of runners planted in pots on shelf below.

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Love the view from your patio. You must enjoy sitting there.

31 Aug, 2008


Thank you Mike. Yes it is nice when I "sit"! LOL

31 Aug, 2008


You are finding very clever ways of cramming in lots of pots !

31 Aug, 2008


I love the view too. Best wishes, Hywel.

31 Aug, 2008


Thank you Terratoonie. I try!

31 Aug, 2008


Thank you Hywel, if I have to be in an apt. I at least have some view and more privacy than the ground floor and I can have my slider door open on the warm summer nights... when we have warm summer nights that is! lol

31 Aug, 2008


It seems you enjoy living in your appartment Polyannaever. That's good. I think we have to make the best of what we've got.

31 Aug, 2008


Actually Hywel it hasn't been easy so I am really focusing on my gardening and trying to be greatful for what I have and remember to Bloom Where I'm Planted!! P.S Thanks be to God for this beautiful site! It is the praise and encouragement of each of you that help to keep my eyes open to all that I have!

31 Aug, 2008


No , life isn't easy is it. Glad I'm able to be of some help.
All the best, H.

31 Aug, 2008


I think thats a great view , it all looks so well kept. Your Strawberries are safe from Slugs and Snails. . I know what its like to lose a loved one 54 years married.One gets used to living alone but there are always times when something like a song will trigger a sad moment. Growing plants are the best therapy and Friends of course. Funny our user names so similar. Best Wishes Peter

1 Sep, 2008


Peter, you write really lovely things.

But my spelling abilities are challenged with your GoY names!

especially Poaannua, Pollyannever and Wohlibuli. LOL

1 Sep, 2008


Thank you Peter for the kind words. I really need them at the moment. Yes I am free of our nortorious "slugs" and the like! Don't miss them a bit!

And as for you Ms. Terratoonie! I beg your pardon..... OUR GoY names?!
Ha! Well Poaannua and Wohlibuli do you think she has room to talk?!
Terratoonie indeed! Let's plant her against a fence with some Morning Glories growing up and we all know what will happen don't we....hmmmm? Hehehe!

1 Sep, 2008


Now you can see why some folk shorten my name to Terra !

Seriously I can well understand that you and Peter have 'down days' .
Having loved someone special for so many years, it's a major adjustment to adapt to living by yourself.
Working with plants is such a help - very therapeutic.
When I clip bushes or lawn edges that's my 'thinking time'.

..and do look at the photo called CHAMPION SNAIL by Helen60garden

Here's one snail that's trying to prove Poaannua wrong, by scaling the heights ! LOL

2 Sep, 2008


Pollyannaever, you really are right about difficult names:

Tasteyg, our wonderful friend in California. has just called me................ TerraTOOTIE. lol

2 Sep, 2008


You mean not Loonietoonie?! :)

2 Sep, 2008


Smart idea for the runners.

21 Sep, 2011

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