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Lucy-loo again!

Lucy-loo again! (Cockatiel)

This is my new pet since being in my apt.. She is called a Pied Cockatiel which is part of the mutations. As in most birds the male is the more vivid although the female tends to be more cuddley! She has been hand fed & raised which gives a nice start for taming. They like fruits & veggies, pasta and a wide variety of food which is fun as they will eat pretty much what you are eating. The one food to avoid that I know so far is Avacado. 'edit' I have since learned there are other foods incl. chocolate, caffeine and there is a huge list of plants that are harmful or deadly to them!

Comments on this photo


Not in a cage??? I hope that window is closed! Congratulations on buying Lucy. (So it wasn't a vulture or an eagle after all!) lol.

5 Sep, 2008


Yes she does have a big cage right here but she is already pretty tame. She was hand raised! The females don't really talk but they are more cuddly and the males will talk but not as much as a budgie or some others. The males of course are more vivid color wise. They need to be they have to work harder at catching the females lol! (funny about the talking tho ay!!)

5 Sep, 2008


Mary the female parrot says hello to Lucy - loo .She talks quite readily and loves her cup of coffee .All our animals are female so as only man in the house - guess that why often on goy , only place can get a word in!

5 Sep, 2008


Right you are Bonkers as it should be!!! LOL
Hello Mary nice to meet you!

5 Sep, 2008


awww Lucy is lovely

5 Sep, 2008


This picture shows Lucy's crest very well.
Good photograph.
I'm glad you've found such a friendly, feathery flatmate.

6 Sep, 2008


Lucy Is gorgous and will be wonderful company ,perfect flatmate :D

6 Sep, 2008


Who's a pretty girl then!!

6 Sep, 2008


I hope you really enjoy her - she is a little beauty! My cockatiel, Pretty Boy Floyd, says "Hello" to her.
A few other foods to avoid are anything with alcohol, caffeine, or chocolate, salty food, overly fatty food and rhubarb leaves. Also beware of nibbling on toxic house plants when outside of the cage. Like canaries, they are also sensitive to airborne contaminents - avoid strong air freshners & cleansers, including strongly scented cat litter if you have a cat as well, and be very careful of teflon fumes from coated pans, as they are lethal. You can go to for lots more info.
Sounds a bit scary at first, but my bird really made me rethink what was healthy for me while considering his health, and it has worked out well. Have fun!

13 Sep, 2008


Grammazoo ~
Congrats. on your comment above which contains so much very useful advice. I wonder, please, whether you would have the time to develop your comments into a blog ?

It would be helpful to a lot of members. It's so easy to overlook that fact that a particular item is poisonous. As you say, the Teflon fumes are LETHAL to birds. I guess you would list some of the toxic houseplants so it would be very relevant to GoY.

Thanks for the cockatiel link, but I hope you'd please write a blog as well, and post here to say when you've written it, so that it's not missed. Thanks in advance for your input.

My budgie, Crocus, says hi to Pretty Boy Floyd.

13 Sep, 2008


She is so cute. Your pic is fab.
I too have a gray cockatiel.
The comment about the open window made me think of my Rascal. He flew into my yard 6 years ago this very month. It was difficult catching him as he tried to bite me unmercifully. After 2 hours of attempts I tired him out and captured him. He is one my kinder "gardener's" favorite pets in our classroom zoo. He is quite a character, and loves to perform for my little kiddles. He loves to wolf whistle, and say pretty, pretty to pretty girls. I was a little nervous taking him to school the first time not knowing where he came from, or what other words he knew. He does not like being ignored and gets very noisy at times. When he is out of control, the kids go over to his cage and politely tell him to be quiet, which usually does the trick. If not we let him out so he can see what's going on.
Good luck with Lucy, you will love her.

19 Sep, 2008

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Pictures by pollyannaever
117 of 186

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This photo is of species Cockatiel.

This photo is of "Lucy" in Pollyannaever's garden

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