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Viburnum plicatum watanabe

Viburnum plicatum watanabe (Viburnum plicatum watanabe)

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This doesn't look like my snowball tree either.

My snowball tree has clusters of white blooms which are more globe shaped.

24 Sep, 2008


I afree with you TT. If you look on page 29 of my photos there are 2 photos which I uploaded on 2nd May. These I think are a Snowball tree.

24 Sep, 2008


I would love to have this flower - do you think it would like to be exposed to full sunshine for the best part of the day ?

25 Sep, 2008


I'll tell you next year. Mine is in a sunny spot.

25 Sep, 2008


Chris, do you know how long it took for your viburnum to flower? I know they are slow growers but mine seems to be standing still with no blooms in sight after a year and a half.

28 Sep, 2008


This is new and very small (so young) and was flowering when I bought it. (maybe forced in some way). I have another vibernum which I've had for 2 years and it has not yet flowered (not sure which variety). Ive got yet another one which flowers in the Spring and had it's first flowers the Spring after I bought it the previous year, so not much rhyme or reason here.

28 Sep, 2008

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This photo is of "Viburnum Plicatum watanabe" in Chrispook's garden

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