Yep, You see it
By Greenthumb

28 Sep, 2008
This was what I was greeted with this morning. Official beginning of the long dark. I had to get my cars ice legs back on going to breakfast.
Comments on this photo
I enjoy knowing who someone is, face to face. Had to join the crowd. :-) It was chilly today, I'm wrapping things up.
29 Sep, 2008
BBBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrr Horrid Cold Weather :/
29 Sep, 2008
Your winter starts early.
Our winters are mostly wet.
29 Sep, 2008
Looks cold but nice at same time. But have to admit i'm not a winter person at all.
29 Sep, 2008
Freeze mark starts early. Winter for me is much colder and alot less sunshine. But I keep summer indoors! :-)
29 Sep, 2008
I know I would not be happy with your weather and daylight hours in winter-I love to be able to get out and about! I think that it's great that you have as many indoor plants as you do to give you some colour and remind you of spring to come. Are you able to grow Christmassy things like Poinsettia and Hyacinth which although corny still have that lovely deep colour and scent!
2 Oct, 2008
I think that your house is so lovely, even in the snow! you are just such an inspiration!
3 Oct, 2008
Arlene, I haven't done many bulbs indoors since a failure with daffodils. But I believe I'm going to try again this year for some. Poinsetta I haven't tried either, But I am eyeing some south african natives that bloom through deep winter and I have my walking iris and orchids which choose january as their blooming time. I'm wondering how long the heliotrope I brought in will bloom. Its is the nicest scent in the house right now.
Thanks Ang! :-) So much more snow to come. :-)
4 Oct, 2008
Your place looks great Greenthumb, with all your plants tucked up, I hope you manage the Winter okay, and remember, it's on the way to Spring! Cherry pie sounds lovely!
5 Oct, 2008
must be tough gardening in alaska, thought it was bad here
5 Oct, 2008
Short summer but boy do things grow in 24 hour sunshine! I've my indoor garden keeping me company and 5 hr sunrise/sunsets to enjoy through the winter. Not for everyone, but I don't mind.
6 Oct, 2008
Lol. There's a spring runs all winter, but the ice build up around it can be dangerous and city water is running all winter as well. I've not been above melting some snow now and then. I always think it'll be more like fresh rain water, but it just goes from clean frosty snow to dusty smelling Our summer temps get up to 90 F in the interior Alaska and usually not below 60 unless there's a long strain of clouds like this year. I cross-country ski and thats wonderful down to about -10 F. Then it starts getting not so pleasant. Granted this is with good windproof skiing gear. The light is short, so I don't get out soo much other than skiing. I fuss with my plants mostly, watch programs. My indoor garden is the tropical oasis away from the winter. I have a cat and she goes out when I wouldn't. Must be her long hair. In the background are Black spruce. Those are probably 50-60 years old. Could be up to 100. All natural Boreal forest, though the spruce is a sign there is permafrost closer to the surface there. A natural condition of bonsai like a cliff, the root system is short and flat the the surface.
9 Oct, 2008
I love the frost and snow Greenthumb when it is dry,but not when it turns to slush.
I suffer terribly with winter blues-{Sad} so wouldn't be able to stand the dark winters,though I would love your warm summers if they are not too hot.
Love the trees in the background and are they hills I can see beyond the trees?
14 Oct, 2008
Yep, these are the chena hills outside fairbanks. We mostly have dry snow due to low temps and it really is nice, when there is light to show it. Our summer is warm, hot is unusual. But the dark takes its toll. I fake the summer with my lights and jungle and it has had a diminished influence on me. Just a little extra sleepy all the time. :-)
15 Oct, 2008
I love to see snow because it seems to brighten up what would be dark and gloomy landscapes and you seem to be able to see for miles.I used to love it when I was a child and we always had a white Christmas,but alas they are very rare now.
Even now before we change our clocks I am having sleep problems and wish I could go in to hibernation until the Spring
15 Oct, 2008
I'll try collecting some winter pictures to share. We are full on now, high are not above freezing and we got a bunch of snow. Its been late every year so this is very welcome. I hope we get more!
16 Oct, 2008
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Brrrr. Looks chilly. Like your photo by the way. It's nice to put a face to a name.
29 Sep, 2008