Pont-Sarn Bridge
By Amy

1 Oct, 2008
This is the one that the fern was growing on , It,s an old railway bridge , now used for walking and cycling
Comments on this photo
What a romantic picture - lovely.
1 Oct, 2008
Very lovely Amy,
1 Oct, 2008
That is a beautiful bridge and all the foliage is great...
6 Oct, 2008
you can be thankful that the scenic old bridges like that one are now available for recreational use... very often anything that is "old" is torn down and replaced with a new 'safe' passage way!...If the scenic old bridge in your photo carried the weight of trains all those years...(a century?) it must be extremely well made and certainly safe for pedestrian use... we have had freeway overpasses collapse in Montreal...and some parts of the main traffic arteries to the downtown (the 20) bridges have been closed for assessment and repair, the engineering that went into them couldn't compare with your old and beautifully made railway bridge!... then again they never needed to use salt to melt ice on them either.. The use of salt is finally being questioned...should build our freeways with mini solar heat collectors embedded in the blacktop....or an electronic rail system that a vehicle locks onto, then disengages for local traffic....seeing how things have changed in just the last 50 years...makes you wonder what lies down the road in another 50...
8 Nov, 2008
I like the idea of having mini solar collectors embedded in the road surfaces Lori ,
Also the electonic rail system I have even thought of that one myself .Brilliant ideas if they would work !!
I love old bridges , can,t resist them !
8 Nov, 2008
Can you imagine an on ramp where you were dispatched into a traffic stream...held at a constant speed...you relinquished control until your inboard computer told the GPS that you had reached your destination and at a terminus control of your car would be returned to you...??? lots of "what ifs" attached to the idea...but I couldn't resist it... I would love to see some of the Roman ruins... I'd like to see Bath, for instance. and Hardrians wall too.
8 Nov, 2008
Lori I must tell my Husband you have the same mad ideas as me , he thinks I Have crazy ideas . maybe we can see into the future and it will happen... LOL
You would love to visit Bath It,s an amzing City , the water bubbles up hot in the City Roman Baths , which is very odd for England . We haven,t spent enough time there , you have reminded me that we should go back one day .
A lot of Hadrians Walls are in ruins but the parts that are intact are worth seeing , especially the forts still guarding the walls like silent ghosts from the past , they were incredibly clever with their water / heating systems even so long ago , I suppose they had to be coming from a hot country to our cold winters .
If you are ever able to come , you are welcome to stay here while you do the rounds !
8 Nov, 2008
Oh thank you Amy...I need to win a lottery! because I would love to say Yes! see you soon!...
some of things I remember about Roman architecture was that they had a kind of central heating system...a hypocaust which heated their floors and they had registers to deliver the heat to the main floor.. and they made aqueducts to move water.... I'm definitely planning to see Italy...and England is my ancestral home...want to see it too..
Oh I've always had a wild imagination...(my defining characteristic!) They say if you can dream it...you can do it! lol.
9 Nov, 2008
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This photo is of "Pont-Sarn bridge " in Amy's garden
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beautiful Amy
1 Oct, 2008