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Leafy (Calathea roseopicta)

The bottom of its leaves are a deep purple shade. And the top is well, as per photo... Thanks all for your help in identifying this plant! :)

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Pretty leaves. You need a house plant expert.

12 Oct, 2008


Its a Prayer plant or Maranta,... at night the leaves should fold up as in prayer.

12 Oct, 2008


Chrispook - The first time I saw this plant, I thought it was a fake plant!!! Am hoping to find a houseplant expert here... =D

Janey - Don't think the leaves fold up at night. Will double-check it tonight. :)

13 Oct, 2008


I've noticed that the leaves fold closer towards the plant at night. So I've got in my tiny balcony a Prayer Plant???

Marguerite - We get summer all year round here so I'll probably re-pot it when I find a nice new container for it. :)

15 Oct, 2008


Snowkrystal, I agree with Marguerite. I have one exactly like it and the label said it is a Calathea. New leaves come in rolled and unroll with growth. It's an easy care plant.

15 Oct, 2008


Been doing some googling and I've found the name of this plant!!!

Check out these links:

It's a "Calathea Roseopicta"... which is under the Marantaceae family, the same family as the Prayer Plant itself. The Prayer Plant's latin name is "Maranta Leuconeura".

Thanks guys for your help!!! :)

Gardengnome - Seems like the label on your plant was somewhat right. :D

16 Oct, 2008


I have not had a prayer plant for a long time...I gave one to my little sister-in-law when she had to have surgery on her back over 22 years ago..I filled a tiny bottle with green water and told her to add a few dropper fulls a day to it...she had to lay face down for weeks for her surgery...this gave her something to do and to watch for its leaves closing..she told me that after these many years, she still has that prayer plant.

19 Oct, 2008


Snowkrystal, I also have the Prayer plant (Maranta Leuconeura). Having both plants helped to identify which was which. I'll post a photo.

20 Oct, 2008


Gardengnome - do let me know when you've posted a photo... thanks! :)

22 Oct, 2008

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This photo is of species Calathea roseopicta.

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This photo is of "Leafy" in Snowkrystal's garden

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