River Wye in Hereford - Autumn Scene
By Sid

9 Nov, 2008
The rich coppery colours are beech trees - about 60 years old now - my dad can remember them being planted! There is a path with these beautiful trees planted either side running all along the river side. Sadly, about 4 were lost in last years winter gales and others are lost each year due to fungal attack (or possibly over-zealous Council workers worried about a law-suit should a tree topple and injure somebody.......)
Comments on this photo
A lovely pic with beautiful trees, Sid....very English.
9 Nov, 2008
Looks very autumn...I love these colors..
9 Nov, 2008
Well-photographed :o)
9 Nov, 2008
One of my favourite places to walk Sid, lovely photo! I don't expect many of the leaves are still there this morning, after last nights storm.
The trees which grow alongside the Yazor brook are being decimated by the council, every year they hack away at them, they look so sad. I think you're right, it's not about the trees, it's fear of being sued!
10 Nov, 2008
That's beautiful
10 Nov, 2008
Madmum - I havent been brave enough to venture outdoors today - but I can see there are leaves all over my garden! I fear there will be few mature trees in Hereford in years to come - they cut down far more than are planted - or they plant very short-lived species like birches, leave them in for 20years then cut them down......foresight is not our Council's strength me thinks!
10 Nov, 2008
~what a shame! we should be panting more and more trees!~the wood at the end of the street is mainly beech and is knee deep in bronze leaves at the moment~
14 Nov, 2008
I couldn't agree more, Arlene.... :-(
18 Nov, 2008
Someone did a good job in the landscape composition. That is a beautiful mix.
I can nearly hear those beech leaves dropping. We often speak about color or fragrance but rarely about the music that leaves can provide. That rustling has a very healing ower.
Oaks and Cottonwood come to mind, or the rustle of the Eucalypt.
I once explained how they came to be named. The English came to Australia. They loved their clipped hedges. No yew to be found. Aha, here is a plant we can use. So out came the shears and the native victims became a hedge.
Later in the evening the wind came over them, and carried this complaint.
As for, (or possibly over-zealous Council workers worried about a law-suit should a tree topple and injure somebody) or the roots might lift the sidewalk.
The council that destroys the local aquifer and in the doing, affects the health of the remaining Garry Oak forest.
Hire the arborist, who instructs the council --"the trees are sick." They must come out. The council orders their removal to protect the public. Then divides the land and we grow more asphalt.
10 Dec, 2008
Most of what you can see on the left bank is (i believe) the garden of the Bishop of Hereford Cathedral. On the right it is parkland. Safe from the asphalt by virtue of the fact that it is a floodplain - and dissapears under a couple of foot of water several times a year!
-YOU CLIPPED US! - ha ha, very good...
10 Dec, 2008
This is a beautiful photo Sarah, ever tried to paint it? I would buy a copy !
27 Sep, 2009
Aw, shux Ian ;-) No, havent painted this scene..........yet!
28 Sep, 2009
Go on, I dare ya. ;~))
28 Sep, 2009
Well I think I've got one of a little girl lined up (that's if her dad can find a photo of her, tsk!)........but maybe I'll do this one next ;-)
29 Sep, 2009
It's coming ......... I promise ! ! ! :~))
29 Sep, 2009
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Beautiful photo ....
9 Nov, 2008