Grass snake
By Wagger
- 10 Nov, 2008
Likes a swim in the pond
Comments on this photo
LOOks big!
12 Nov, 2008
How lucky you are to see this....always wanted to see one so very pleased for the pic.
15 Nov, 2008
is this a smooth snake?
16 Nov, 2008
No, definitely a grass snake - unless you mean smooth as in Bryan Ferry. Smooth snakes live in dry, sunny areas, grass snakes prefer damp, shady places. They swim well which is why I think the pond attracts them. You see trails through the duckweed where they have been.
17 Nov, 2008
It's just the way that the light caught it Wagger, I have looked closer at the photo and it has a pettern on it and grass snakes do like the water. We've been along the canals and seen them swimming. We had a grass snake in our first garden, as when we took the property over is was very wild, with grass and weeds two feet high.
24 Nov, 2008
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Well, I don't like snakes much but you did get a nice photo of it...
10 Nov, 2008