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A garden flower photo

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Your garden looks big.

15 Nov, 2008


the back is way bigger.........have huge beds..........10 rose or sharons.......3 forsythia........2 spirea.........a shede bed with ferns and hostas and of corse my mummbo jumbo beds

15 Nov, 2008


Hello Southern woman welcome to GoY....sure you will love it!

15 Nov, 2008


Nice garden Southernwoman... and welcome to GOY

15 Nov, 2008


hey guys thanks for the warm welcome

15 Nov, 2008


Looks like you have wonderful ornaments and plants. :o)

15 Nov, 2008


have a lot.......only been in my home for3 years and there was nothing.........this year didnt do much cos was busy taking care of my mom who had cancer but will do more next year

15 Nov, 2008


Sorry aobut your mother having cancer.
What are your mumbo jumbo gardens?..Those sounds like fun.

16 Nov, 2008


Looks like a nice quiet neighbourhood, I love it a lot girl. I hope and pray for your mother, god bless.

1 Dec, 2008


thanx P.F........she passed away in June...........she lived with me for14 years

2 Dec, 2008


It has been a very short time of healing for you SW...many understanding hugs and warm whispers in your ears and tears to share your love and heart are with you...~Cj

2 Dec, 2008


Sorry to hear mine did the same 12 yrs ago one day apart but we will see each other again.

3 Dec, 2008

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