not a bad ofice
By Noseypotter

16 Nov, 2008
me just resting after getting all messy making a bomb lol.its not a bad place to be and theres a badger set real close.lovley
Comments on this photo
i take that as a complement lol.the one legged race or that hop skip and fall over one lol
16 Nov, 2008
the wellies cost me £1 at a car boot.did you like the toadstoals ?
16 Nov, 2008
Yes I like the toadstools.
Did you get those at a car boot as well ? Lol :o)
Your acceptance in the GoY Wellie Olympics has now been announced on my blog ~
16 Nov, 2008
perfect office to have
16 Nov, 2008
The best office I've seen lately :) Great photo, love the shrooms :)
17 Nov, 2008
very funny terra lol ill look at ya blog
17 Nov, 2008
lovely work place ,everyone should have an office like that ... I like the toadstools as well .Good picture !
17 Nov, 2008
thanx again
17 Nov, 2008
A great atmospheric photo.
21 Nov, 2008
i like it so much im gonna use it on me site lol
22 Nov, 2008
no tobacco was used in this photo its bad for you
22 Nov, 2008
NP, sitting on a treestump, in the middle of a wood, on his own, with a distant look in his eye, next to a load of mushrooms, smoking something unexplained. What conclusions can I spring to here?! lol.
24 Nov, 2008
all the right ones i hope lol
24 Nov, 2008
I envy your office and life style my fellow goy member. I am a city dweller with a family and afraid to venture outside the box. Cheers mate!
P.S. So that is one of those messy bombs you hear talk about! lol
16 Dec, 2008
pink lol thats a make believe bomb i made of concrete,chicken wire and a bail of straw . ill take that as a complement lol
16 Dec, 2008
Yes it was meant to be. lol I took a small glimpse of your photos on the first pg and I love what I see,TALENT ! You got a lot of fungus btwn your legs
16 Dec, 2008
16 Dec, 2008
What a great way to work! The 'bomb' is brilliant!
4 Jan, 2009
thanx gillian
5 Jan, 2009
I love this photo have added it to my favourites its full of character!
11 Jan, 2009
its the best of my ugly old arse so im happy lol
11 Jan, 2009
Aww - you're not such an ugly old arse NP - even With a lot of fungus between your legs x-D
12 Jan, 2009
story of me laugh lol
13 Jan, 2009
I hope you are looking after that badger set
7 Feb, 2009
its well looked after as it goes . i love badgers
8 Feb, 2009
they have only gone and cut all the pine trees down over the badger set saying it wasnt active.definatly not the case as we found fresh droppings and sand freshly dug wear they had bean looking for food and renovating there home.disgracefull that the forestry would do that.
19 Oct, 2009
I find badger hair scuffed out across the fields sometimes. It's coarse and grey and white.
15 Sep, 2010
wow lindak do you not fancy getting some night vission and having a night viduel excuse my spelling lol ? .
15 Sep, 2010
I know the signs but will not reveal where they are.
15 Sep, 2010
no not me thow id love tosee them . i dont blame you but im an animal lover . i wonderd if you had waited out to see them .
16 Sep, 2010
No Nosey I haven't but I know that they are there. They should be injecting the badgers against TB not getting rid of them. Who had the disease first the cows or the badgers.
16 Sep, 2010
i totaly agree with you lindak its a complete disgrace . some of these badger sets have been there litteraly 100`s of years . good old humans .
17 Sep, 2010
I sometimes wonder if some people don't care at all what happens in the outside world of fauna and flora Nosey. Without it we wouldn't exist and it is all down to the fine balance of it all. It's all there for a purpose......
19 Sep, 2010
for a creature thats aparrently the smartest bye far the human being can be very short sighted , greedy and most of all very stupid lindak .
19 Sep, 2010
I like how the Indians in America think about only taking from nature what they need and using every part. No wastage and less damage to the eco system.
20 Sep, 2010
yes i do lindak . eskimos are the same .
20 Sep, 2010
at least we are siverlised excuse my spelling ha ha .
11 Oct, 2010
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Nosey Potter this photo has gone on my favourites :o)
With those wonderful wellies I've just entered you in the GoY Wellie Olympics.
Not sure what event you would go in ?
Leap frogging over tree stumps.??? :o)
16 Nov, 2008