tic toc tic toc
By Noseypotter

18 Nov, 2008
i mite not blow up but i wouldnt want it falling on me lol finished at last
Comments on this photo
That's fantastic. :o)
18 Nov, 2008
You worked hard on that one...
18 Nov, 2008
im glad you like it and im real happy with it.i think it looks real cool even if i say so myself.i am biast but i try not to be lol.it wasnt how ever very demanding in any way compared to centibeast.it was one of those ideas that realy worked without to much complication.maybe like a chinese garden.i dont think bombs were made with rivets either but they seam to work well.it only took about 20 hours and with this walking stick and knackerd back thats not hard graft either especialy being left with one hand.i do use my stick to rest on so i can free up another hand.it is quite remarkable how handy a stick with a bend in the end can be but i would give anything to do garden design and to have a normal back but hay ho.ill stoop running on anyway glad you like it
18 Nov, 2008
I think you are correct about the rivets. There could have been one tested as a prototype. I think it could of fallen out of one of those flying contraptions from a Jules Vern tale like a blimp with two large whirling things on top, circa 1800's. In any case I love it and would have it in my yard but I know the boss would say NO! great conversation piece of art.
You do more than able body people.
16 Dec, 2008
thank you pink your so kind
what are you after ? lol
16 Dec, 2008
ive just been looking through all your stuff...LOVE IT.....i would have written on all your pictures and bloggs but im doing about twenty things at the moment...dont now what to to first...i used to work in thetford years ago...in a factory called 'multiyork' think it was called that...furniture..
27 Mar, 2010
yes it is called that lyndella im glad you like it xx
27 Mar, 2010
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Well done Noseypotter ......It really does look real . brilliant !
18 Nov, 2008