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Rooks in the trees.

Rooks in the trees.

I 'zoomed' in across our neighbours' gardens to the trees where the rooks have just roosted for the night. Why the sky is pink in the east I don't know!

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beautiful photo

19 Nov, 2008


Thanks Eileen - on full zoom, I was surprised I got anything!

19 Nov, 2008


you did well Spritz, can see loads of rooks in the trees there

19 Nov, 2008


The neighbours up the lane are always grumbling about them - I have to admit that they are very noisy - but we are far away enough not to be bothered by their squawking. One or two fly in here every day, grab some food off the bird table and fly off again!

19 Nov, 2008


they are noisy alright but i love watching them fly back to their roosts at night

19 Nov, 2008


Funnily enough, I don't usually look in that direction, it's looking from our small back garden across our next door neighbour's garden and then across more gardens.... I tend to look west usually. I just saw the pink sky when I was going in the back door! Then I saw all those rooks.

19 Nov, 2008


Lovely sky pretty colour ! ,

19 Nov, 2008


Very lovely....

19 Nov, 2008


My gran used to take me for walks when I was little and we allways saw rooks like this in the trees. She used to say they were comming home from school. lol

20 Nov, 2008


What's the collective name for rooks? I mean, like 'a charm of goldfinches'. I'm sure there is one.

20 Nov, 2008


I believe it's a clamour of rooks. - I think.

20 Nov, 2008


Good name for them, Hywel! Thanks... :-)

20 Nov, 2008


I know it's a murder of crows.... a clamour...quite appropriate for most birds of that family!!
My Mom's family must have been descended from sailors as she used to recite a little rhyme for me...
"red sky at night
Sailor's delight
red sky at morning
Sailor's warning."
Did you have some bad weather after this? Perhaps it's a reflection of the setting sun's colour...I have a pic on my page of setting sunlight in an eastern cloud! very interesting effect! It's a really pretty colour composition...I really like that picture.

20 Nov, 2008


The weather the next day was OK - not beautiful sunshine, but the occasional glimpse. So I suppose the sky forecast was just about right.

I wish the wind would drop, though! It has been strong for several days and it makes my eyes water... as well as blowing the leaves everywhere when I'm attempting to rake them! LOL

21 Nov, 2008


I've heard that rhyme but with shepherd unstead of sailor.

21 Nov, 2008


Very beautiful picture Spritz...the sky sets off the birds perfectly..
The only red sky rhyme have ever known is the one with the sailor...glad to know the shepard one now too...

26 Nov, 2008


just checked the internet and your spot on hywel it is indeed a clamour of rooks

27 Nov, 2008


come think of it, who comes up with these names for different collections of animals and birds, clearly some of them such as a clamour of rooks is descriptive of their nature but how did a collection of crows come by the unfortunate name of murder?

27 Nov, 2008


hmmm... I wish I knew too...but just a lookup of the collective nouns applied to birds is a chuckle and a puzzlement... check out these:
Ravens-- unkindness, conspiracy..
Rooks- a parliament, a building, a clamour
Budgerigars- a chatter
Sparrows - a host, a quarrel, a tribe
Thrushes- a mutation
Vultures - a wake
Wrens - a herd !!!!
and it sometimes depends on whether they are stationary or on the wing or in water... ex. snipes (at rest) a walk,
snipes (in flight) a wisp...
with a name like "snipe" you might think it would be something related like a quarrel, or a conspiracy, a
will keep looking for the answer to that "murder" of crows...too bad~~ they are very smart birds and it's been said that if they had opposeable thumbs they'd give us a run for our money!! lol.

27 Nov, 2008

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