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Anyone for Tea??


By Panther

Anyone for Tea??

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Looks very inviting! Is it tea time yet?

8 Dec, 2008


LOL..please come join me for morning tea Wohlibuli!! I took this pic this morning:-)

8 Dec, 2008


Guess we'll all be around then eh, put the kettle on, white tea no sugar,as i am sweet enough.

8 Dec, 2008


OK kettle on folks, make sure everyone's on time, Ff you sure no sugar??LOL to you sweet enough!!:-)

8 Dec, 2008


How about Gilli's rose petal teas ?
Looks a lovely place to sit.:o)

8 Dec, 2008


Hmmm! In this setting Lapsang Souchong, I think would be my choice, no milk just sugar. It sounds delightful, I'll be there!!!

8 Dec, 2008


Yes please bring some along if you can TT, and Gilli will brew it for us.!! Make sure you're on time, so we can practice with our coconut bowling on the lawn afterwards:-)

Wohlibuli yes will try and get what you want:-)

8 Dec, 2008


Coconut bowling!!!!........count me in then Panther...nice cup of Earl Grey please.

8 Dec, 2008


This is so great! Tea, coconut bowling, we may never leave!!

8 Dec, 2008


This is turning into a great GoY tea party in the sunshine.
I'll really enjoy chatting with you all :o)

8 Dec, 2008


Thanks Janey ,Earl Grey on the way.
You all welcome to stay Wohlibuli!!

Yes TT, am looking forward to chatting with everyone too!!!


8 Dec, 2008


~I'll have mine weak please~ can I stay til spring?or make that when it's warmer back home here~whenever that is?

9 Dec, 2008


Arlene, definately, just get yourself over quickly!!!
The coconut bowling has begun and TT's leading the way. "Hey TT what you doing up there? Get down from that coconut'll hurt yourself" !!!!LOL

9 Dec, 2008


sigh~wouldn't it be nice!....

9 Dec, 2008


LOL...Yes it would Arlene!!!

Thank you all, I've just ran out of tea, it was nice having you over!!! :-)

9 Dec, 2008


Panther, you throw a great Tea Party! Now we will have to find someone else to visit. . . . some place nice and warm!!!

9 Dec, 2008


You more than welcome and that doesn't stop us in having another one soon!!

9 Dec, 2008


How about some Cake next time 2 Panther ;) MMMMMMmmmmm Tea&Cake :D

9 Dec, 2008


Hey Jacque we were waiting for you but you never showed up, anyways next time definately we shall have cake as well.:-)

9 Dec, 2008


Panther is your tea party still going on..baked an apple cake special for you
ready for uploading..

11 Dec, 2008


Yummy...can you just send some over now please Deida?LOL.

Jacque is bringing some cake as well, so I will be waiting patiently. The kettle is now on again!!!

12 Dec, 2008


Panther I think you need a few more chairs for your tea party

12 Dec, 2008


LOL, Dieda, you are true,but a Pacific style get together is an option where we all just it around on the matted floor having our cuppa!! A lovely evening to you Deida :-)

12 Dec, 2008


Panther did you not see the cake I have baked for you?A lot of goy members looking forward to your tea party..look at my first picture

13 Dec, 2008


Oh really??
Thank you so much Deida, will look into it shortly.

13 Dec, 2008


Wow. I'm a little late finding where the tea party is being held. No wonder I missed the first cake. Glad you have the kettle on Panther. I brought stacks of rose petals with me.
Hmmmm. As it is -9C (16F) with a wind chill of about -20C (-4F) and the mercury due to fall drastically over the next 24 hours here........can I stay until spring Panther?? I won't get in the way. I promise. :o)

13 Dec, 2008


Hi Gilli, that was lovely rose petals tea too, thanks for the supply. I tried the same with the local rose petals here but it never tasted the same and yes certainly you can stay as long as you want, you're more than welcome to do so!!!LOL.

I hope the weather has gotten a bit better there, ooooh it must be freezing there Gilli!! It is just hard to imagine as it's hot hot hot here, that's why I like it better when it rains.

13 Dec, 2008


Thanks Marguerite, I am sure you could be meaning the Red Ginger and Anthurium flowers on the table, now I had to look again where the teapot was, it is a basket...but that's ok...LOL.. Have a lovely day!!!

21 Dec, 2008


No that's a small basked LOL, well it does look like a teapot anyway :-)

21 Dec, 2008

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