Homemade Christmas Cake
By Sal1914

13 Dec, 2008
Yum ... no I haven't been busy cooking.. this is an early Christmas present from my accountants wife! Last year's was lovely and I can't wait to tuck into this! I have been basting it with rum for the last few days.... enjoy a thoughtful taste!
Comments on this photo
That piece on the left with the cherry, please.:o)
13 Dec, 2008
If I could send a piece to you I glady would... well ... maybe
13 Dec, 2008
Oh yummy whole Brazils in there Sal? nice
13 Dec, 2008
~are there hazelnuts?Have you got the recipe?Looks lovely!
13 Dec, 2008
Whole everything in here... just wouldn't know where to start to make it. Apparently Ian's wife makes around 20 of these as gifts! LUCKY ME
13 Dec, 2008
Lucky you indeed, made me hungry now.....where can I find some cake now?
13 Dec, 2008
14 Dec, 2008
oh my this looks delicious!
14 Dec, 2008
Oh lovely!!!
14 Dec, 2008
Oh my mouth is watering! Be sure to use LOTS of Rum! lol
14 Dec, 2008
Couldn't wait a moment longer to try it... have had a big chunk with some cheddar cheese.. yummy
14 Dec, 2008
I'll be right over Sal. Yummmm. :o)
14 Dec, 2008
It has to taste fabulous with the cheddar cheese Sal1914.
14 Dec, 2008
Will be great with the cheese..mmm
14 Dec, 2008
Mislabel on the original photo intake. I thought it to be a pizza!
Forget the Christmas cake stuff and just give me a pizza or lasangua.
14 Dec, 2008
I wouldn't know where to start to make Christmas cake but I make a wicked lasagne with fresh basil from the garden. However, I always burn pizza! :o(
14 Dec, 2008
Recipe would be appreciated, via private male. I will reciprocate..
I am finally figuring this site out.
14 Dec, 2008
OK my UK friends, I was raised in Canuck Land and I don't ever recall cheese with fruit cake!!? I love cheddar cheese on my apple pie to which I am always teased here! But cheese with fruit cake......hmmmm....
19 Dec, 2008
Just had to have another look at your cake........and yes it would be nice with a strong piece of (take the roof off your mouth) cheddar.
19 Dec, 2008
Yes to take another look wouldn't do any damage....... Mmmmmm yes I would love to have another piece of this with a cup of tea as I am on to the GOY Site right now...:-)
21 Dec, 2008
Well it's all but gone now... and how we've enjoyed it. Merry Christmas everyone.
23 Dec, 2008
Oh YUM!!!! I made 1 whole Christmas Cake and 4 tiny ones to give away. I have a delicious, easy to make recipe if anyone is interested. Just let me know - I'm on vacation in the desert with not much to do so I bake and give away plates of it to friends and neighbors. The looks and thanks is all that is necessary.
Enjoy your cake with rum - I baste mine 5-6 times with brandy - I find I like brandy better than rum on fruitcake.
Merry Christmas from Arizona. Enjoy celebrating the birth of our Savior.
23 Dec, 2008
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that looks tasty Sal
13 Dec, 2008