The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Alpinia zurubet-Shell Ginger with Strelitzia nicolai-Giant Bird of Paradise

Alpinia zurubet-Shell Ginger with Strelitzia nicolai-Giant Bird of Paradise

These plants are on the side of the C level restaurant.

Comments on this photo


Save me a chair I'm coming down! You have know idea how lucky you are until you are sitting here in my chair. And to think when my dad and his two brothers left England to relocate to north America my dad landed here in Artic Canada and the other two landed in Long Beach and San Fernando Valley. I've been so lucky all my life!

Nice plant life by the way, I'm going to stick my head outside the door it reminds me what it's like to live in a giant freezer!

3 Jan, 2009


Pink floyd:

It sounds like you need a long vacation in the tropics.

I do consider myself very lucky to live in San Diego...I love it!
I wouldn't want to live anywhere else except where I'm from originally...which is Hawaii.

3 Jan, 2009


I like all the different shapes of the large leaves.
It does indeed seem a wonderful place to live...
either there, or Hawaii. choices, choices.... LOL

6 Jan, 2009


Yes, the brown stems are fire torches. LOL

14 Jan, 2009

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