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Philodendron bipinnatifidum - Wax Begonia

Philodendron bipinnatifidum - Wax Begonia

Many plants by the C Level restaurant on Harbor Island, San Diego, CA.

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hope the food was as good as the planting....happy new year.

2 Jan, 2009


Sandra, Happy New Year!

The food was absolutely delicious!

3 Jan, 2009


Very beautiful, want to see the other side of the coin? come see my plants Ha! you can't see them as they are under a white blanket.

3 Jan, 2009


Very colourful and stunning.
No snow there :o)

6 Jan, 2009


Snow...highly unlikely. LOL There's never been a recorded snow fall in Downtown San Diego. That's after over 150 years of weather recording.

7 Jan, 2009



It was in late afternoon.

The tree is Erythrina caffra - Kaffir Tree...I've posted them before...they have the big thorns on the branches and trunk. The Kaffir trees are starting to loose their leaves and bloom now. Soon I will post pics of several species of

14 Jan, 2009

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