By Daff

7 Jan, 2009
A visitor to my garden.
Comments on this photo
Beautiful Photo of a Lovely Thrush Daff :) I used 2 have a Thrush visit my garden but sadly iv not seen it 4 along time now :/
7 Jan, 2009
Thank you Irish, Jacque, I have to watch the neighbours cats they tend to sneak in when i'm not looking. The last Thrush we had was killed by one of the cats. :(
7 Jan, 2009
That's lovely.
So sad the cat got the last thrush. :o(
Last summer thrushes nested in my back garden near the dog run.
I hope the same birds come back this year.
Maybe they thought the neighbour's cats would not venture near the dog run which is right outside my kitchen door. If you look at my Garrya photo recently uploaded to GoY, that's right near where the thrush parents successfully reared two babies :o)
I've included your thrush pic. on my favourites.
Fantastic photo :o)
Thank you for putting this picture on GoY.
7 Jan, 2009
Beautifull photo Daff
7 Jan, 2009
lovely photo Daff
7 Jan, 2009
Nice photo Daff
7 Jan, 2009
Great photo Daff....
7 Jan, 2009
Thank you very much, I am a cat lover, but i do have to chase my neighbours cat away, I have 3 that come into the garden and in any other circumstances i would encourage them,but i do like to see the birds in the garden, cats and birds just don't mix.
Gail x
7 Jan, 2009
Beautiful photo Gail. We don't see too many Thrushes around here although you can hear lots of thrushes in the forest in the summertime. They just seem to be really shy and very rarely show themselves.
7 Jan, 2009
Beautiful capture :)
8 Jan, 2009
Thank you. xxx
Is that Betty Boo i see. haven't seen her for a while. x
8 Jan, 2009
He's lovely, great photo Daff.
8 Jan, 2009
Thanks Pottygardener, I feel privlaged that he/she visits the garden, mind you the birds get better fed than my husband at times. : )
Gail xxx
8 Jan, 2009
Haven't seen a thrush for ages. Lovely photograph.
8 Jan, 2009
I'm worried about the Sparrows, they seem to be disappearing.
9 Jan, 2009
Really lovely photo,well done
9 Jan, 2009
Thanks Bonkersbon, I'm going up to West Yokshire in Feb.
9 Jan, 2009
Good shot!
Bb - I think this thrush has more spots than the one you photographed on it's belly...?
9 Jan, 2009
It does have a lot of spots. I wonder if there like ladybugs, maybe some thrushes have a different number of spots. x
10 Jan, 2009
Shall we count them ? ;-)
12 Jan, 2009
Aye Sid probably a lot warmer down there in Kent...hes come out in a rash...on a serious note...could actually be a mistle thrush...ours was a song thrush !
12 Jan, 2009
I see. Spot the difference, eh?
13 Jan, 2009
Got to 90 Sid, then gave up, I was seeing spots before my eyes : )
Gail xxx
13 Jan, 2009
I gave up too - I kept counting the same spots twice. Then I spotted the time and thought - time for a spot of tea ;-)
13 Jan, 2009
very good, : )
13 Jan, 2009
13 Jan, 2009
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great shot Daff
7 Jan, 2009