1 Of My Thrushes :)
By Jacque

10 Jan, 2009
Took this Photo this Morning as u can see The Thrush is coming Closer to my House :)
Comments on this photo
Good close up, Beautiful bird,
10 Jan, 2009
good shot jacque
10 Jan, 2009
That's a lovely photo.
Jacque ~ well done :o)
10 Jan, 2009
Thanks every1 i was so Chuffed he/she came closer since all the other pics of them are from a distance so not much detail :)
10 Jan, 2009
A Good photo jacque , it shows it,s lovely speckerly markings :o)
10 Jan, 2009
Hi Jacque, see the camera has come up trumps again. So this is the song thrush?
10 Jan, 2009
Great photo Jacque.
10 Jan, 2009
Getting closer all the time Jacque...lovely photo.Minus 5 here all day ...birds eating all day....spent a pleasant hour takinf
g more photos...will be uploading them later x
Hi Dawn...after telling you had not had a bullfinch iin our garden...saw one today....did not manage to get a photo but hope he comes back tomorrow !
10 Jan, 2009
Wow Ray (or maybe Jane), that's a coincidence about the bullfinch, isn't it. I havent seen it today though :-(. Tell Jane the sultanas are a bit hit with the blackbirds, they love them don't they. Loads of blackbirds too and today a moor hens was on the ground happily eating amonst them, very strange.
10 Jan, 2009
Lovely photo Jacque.....so much detail...
10 Jan, 2009
Lovely photo of a lovely bird. Into my favourites!
10 Jan, 2009
Great photo Jacque...
11 Jan, 2009
Beautiful Thrush Jacque......looking forward to Spring when we can hear them singing.
11 Jan, 2009
O Janey dont u Listen 2 the Birds singing In The Early Hours of the Morning? Its so lovely i can here loads of little Singing voices where i live late in eveings 2 its a wonderful sound:)
11 Jan, 2009
It must be wonderful listening to them Jacquie, we also have our share of birds that wake us up in the mornings with their beautiful songs. A lovely picture too!
13 Jan, 2009
Thanx Panther :) I get a Pair of Starlings Nest under the Roof Tiles jut above my Bedroom Window u should hear those when their up&about such Lovely Singing but when their Babies are walking about it sounds like a load of Elephants in Boots in my loft :) lol
13 Jan, 2009
Aww I can imagine..lol.
13 Jan, 2009
Beautiful picture!
14 Jan, 2009
Lovely photo. Our thrushes are so shy. Haven't managed to get a decent picture since last year so is nice to see yours.
16 Jan, 2009
Sweet bird. Don't think we have these in Eastern Washington state.
17 Jan, 2009
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Featured on: british garden bird pictures
This photo is of "Birds That Visit Me" in Jacque's garden
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Nice one added it to my favourites
10 Jan, 2009