Chaffinch ( m )
By Bonkersbon

10 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
Oi!! You with the camera.....stop eyeing my bird!!
10 Jan, 2009
Careful BB with your feeding
10 Jan, 2009
Some of them look fit to explode lol !
10 Jan, 2009
Fat and Happy.....
10 Jan, 2009
10 Jan, 2009
Great pic. What a pretty bird. It looks like a cross between a goldfinch and sparrow.
10 Jan, 2009
Thanks Rbp..they are becoming very tame now we have such cold weather.This one is eating directly under the kitchen window !
10 Jan, 2009
Looks Like Hes is enjoying this seed :) Iv seen 1 similiar2this in My Garden but it has White visiable when it flys off ? Do Chaffinchs have white markings when flying Jane/Ray?
11 Jan, 2009
Yes Jacque,little flashes of white on wings and tail...sonds like you have them as well...Great !
11 Jan, 2009
Thats Fab Jane/Ray im learning so much & getting so many Gorgeous Birds now :)
11 Jan, 2009
Its fantastic Jacque...cant wait to see more of your lovely pics and blogs !
11 Jan, 2009
I thought it was a Robin :) What do I know BB...
12 Jan, 2009
Never mind Dee,as long as we keep feeding him dont suppose he will care what we call him lol
12 Jan, 2009
never saw one in London..great!
16 Jan, 2009
Thought there would have been lots of them in London !!
16 Jan, 2009
Lovely bird, does the female and male look the same or is she a duller color of him ?
23 Jan, 2009
Hi Flc...female duller..theres one on next pic along ! lol
24 Jan, 2009 You never would have guessed I was considered alittle slow would you ?! Gone to check it out now, before I lose my train of
25 Jan, 2009
Oh Flc,you slow
25 Jan, 2009
some one i feal is a good well impressed very nice
10 Feb, 2009
Not at all Np...if had half your talent wouldnt be taking so many photos lol
10 Feb, 2009
photography is a talent these are realy good photos
11 Feb, 2009
Thanks very much...spend lots of time taking photos...favourite hobby really....and not much else going on in our garden right now !
11 Feb, 2009
Yep, I agree BB. How can we talk Gardening when its this cold. Photos are wonderful and we can enjoy them all on GOY
11 Feb, 2009
well you have a natural flair id say.perhaps you should look more seriously at your not a bad photogapher i dont think and credit wear its due i say.i know what you mean dawn just another month to go ish lol
11 Feb, 2009
Given your skills Np with your sculptures and artwork,you deserve more suces commercially,but is that what drives you,and if it were a full time business,could you churn it out on customer demand ? Think it might take a lot of the pleasure out of it.!
11 Feb, 2009
i think so .sculptures bye nature will be different but if people wanted the same thing then i would make a mould.the amount of people who wanted a green no good at repeats lol
11 Feb, 2009
Aye when i think of the unmade bed , the pile of bricks , a dead cow in a tank and the woman who displayed 22 dirty nappies from her newborn child as art have you thought you might be too skilled ?
Try dumping your household waste in the gallery and convince those attending its a statement about our throw away society ? lol
11 Feb, 2009
very good bonkers its a funny old world.ive sean tea bags and a french bloke who ate different food for shall i say different colours.its called snobbery.the world isnt ready for a heavily tattood man who is good at some thing.surly thats not possible lol . ive had people blatently arguing with me that i didnt draw that.i answer who did then and why have i got all these pictures on a council estate.that stumps them but im sure they dont believe me.some people just cant handle the truthe i dont think.i sore a set up to which goes to show what these critics actualy know. they got a top art gallery and put a brush in an elephants trunk and it splashed should of sean these people on opening day walking round reading all sorts of rubbish into these remember a tail of the emperer wears no clothes.same sort of thing i believe
12 Feb, 2009
Well dont get too disheartened NP , Bruce Oldfield the fashion designer was a Barnardos boy Alan Ayckbourn .Alan Bennett the playwrights and David Hockney all from humble beginnings.
Of course your quite right people should be able to judge your art on its own merits - perhaps you need to invent a tale to satisfy these people not change yourself but play them at their own game ?
Invent a few Romanian gypsy ancestors tell of stories how you were standed in the Australian outback and Aborigines taught you - the Americans have a great expression called blowing smoke up someones a**e sort of thing that impresses the people you need to sell to ! lol
Whatever you decide its great work and deserves wider recognition.
12 Feb, 2009
thanx so much going to sell them my tattoos ,everything if there is something i am me.ive lived a lye before .they can like it or lump it.very good idea bye the way lol you should see the snobs when they bend down and look to see it sais nosey .i chuckle to myself.what you see is what you get.i should of signed it what you looking at lol
12 Feb, 2009
13 Feb, 2009
he he lol
13 Feb, 2009
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He looks well fed too!
10 Jan, 2009