This is a young Tawny Owl from a pair that nests in the garden - we are keen to keep the wildlife of the garden
By Redchris01

12 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
aaaah bless Redchris....hes a beauty......Have you given him a name?
12 Jan, 2009
aww brilliant shot
12 Jan, 2009
Hi Milky & Irish,
We called him Brooklyn because each time the parents came to feed him or they ventured out they were mobed by the nearby crows and a friend quiped they must feel like the Bekhams being mobed by the press!
Thanks Irish las year he was so used to me in the garden from his first venture out of the nest that he would just sit in the trees watching us! We are hoping that they will nest again this year.
12 Jan, 2009
What a great creature to have living in your garden.
12 Jan, 2009
Welcome to GoY...find lots of wildlife enthusiasts here.Looking forward to seeing more photos and hearing your news..Great pic !
12 Jan, 2009
He's beautiful, may I ask where/how they nest, thanks
12 Jan, 2009
Hi Dawn Jane here....knew it would not be long before you found this photo..great isnt it.Was about to message you lol !
12 Jan, 2009
Hi Jane, Ha, ha, was thinking, that you would be thinking I would appear with interest soon. lol
12 Jan, 2009
Wonderful 2 see a Owl in a Garden Lucky U RChris :) Hi Dawn/Jane :)
12 Jan, 2009
Hi Jacque - he's gorgeous - looking forward to RedChris giving us information, hint, hint
12 Jan, 2009
Thankyou all for your comments.
Dawnsaunt - They nest in an owl box (tube type) that is placed high in a tree at the edge of the garden (the opening faces north west). We only put the box up last Xmas, it was a present from my son, and were absolutely amazed that a pair nested so quickly. We are situated on the South Cumbria/North Yorkshire border right on the very edge of the Yorkshire Dales National park. I have loads of pics of the young owl emerging from the box and will upload them as soon as poss.
12 Jan, 2009
O yes that would be Fab for us Wild Life Gardeners wouldnt it Dawn :) Maybe RChris has some info 2 exchange with us once shes settled &got her Page in the Swing with More Fantastic Pics ?:)
12 Jan, 2009
Music to your ears Dawn !
12 Jan, 2009
Mine 2 Jane :) Wonder if a Owl would use my garden ?Dont think iv any Trees Tall enough do u ?
12 Jan, 2009
Wow, thanks Chris - like Bonkers says, music to my ears - you'll wonder what I'm going on about but I'll drop you a private message later - Jane, please tell Ray!
12 Jan, 2009
Jacque...not necessarily size of trees,more the countryside for them to hunt at night.etc,but knowing you maybe yes lol
12 Jan, 2009
Jacque, Chris may be able to give you an idea of the height - ours is as high up as the ladder would reach, lol. Chris: Really, really looking forward to your photos of the owls using the box, very exciting.
12 Jan, 2009
Dawn...already told him He is soooo pleased !
12 Jan, 2009
lol Thanx for the Encouragement Jane XXX
12 Jan, 2009
What about High Up on side of My House Chris? :D
12 Jan, 2009
I'm pleased Ray is smiling ..... Are you up to speed with what we are on about Jacque - I will explain to Chris by PM as she may think we are all MAD.
12 Jan, 2009
Think so lol:) its your owl box were on about int it Dawn?:)lol
12 Jan, 2009
It is is !!!
12 Jan, 2009
he's lovely!
12 Jan, 2009
Yes Jacque, Chris has restored my faith that my owl box design should work, YES!
12 Jan, 2009
Oh WOW, how lucky are you. Look forward to more pictures.
12 Jan, 2009
WOW lucky you ,great photo and welcome....
12 Jan, 2009
Welcome from me too Redchris! your Owl pic...fancy having him in your garden...the only one I have a a plastic one from the garden centre lol!
12 Jan, 2009
We are all green with envy at your owls! What an entrance to GOY you made with your fabulous first photo!
12 Jan, 2009
Wow. How wonderful Redchris. What a beautiful photograph. We don't have Tawny Owls over here. I haven't ever seen one of these before. :o)
13 Jan, 2009
Wonderful picture of wonderful bird. I lie in bed listening to them while waiting for the sandman to call. What with that, the foxes and muntjacs he has trouble making me hear him.
13 Jan, 2009
What sort of noise do Muntjacs make??? I'm curious! We don't have them here. They are escapees from stately homes or zoos, aren't they?
13 Jan, 2009
Poaannua wrote a blog a few weeks ago about a Muntjac. He was wondering what was eating his plants and then saw the culprit ...
13 Jan, 2009
They have a sharp screech I think Spritz...they were on Autumn watch, pretty little things.
13 Jan, 2009
Where is their native home? Does anyone know?
I don't fancy screeching noises in the night....It's so quiet here, I would think somebody was being murdered or ghosts or something equally nasty!
13 Jan, 2009
When we lived in Northants we had one come down our chimney and get stuck. We called out a local man who rescued Owls and he freed it. Kept it for a while to make sure OK and then released it where we were. I remember it filling the cat basket we put it in! Quite big.
13 Jan, 2009
Wow PottyG, bet that caused a bit of a cuffuffle! Pleased it was OK in the end.
13 Jan, 2009
Spritz, muntjac sound a bit dog-like with a single bark.
13 Jan, 2009
Fantastic photo - you are so lucky to have such view of them.
15 Jan, 2009
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Awwwwwwww I love Owls!
12 Jan, 2009