Bad hair day " WHO ME "
By Amy

18 Jan, 2009
Spotted this pair in somebody,s front garden yesterday alongside the main road , peeping over the fence ....... Emus ...........
Comments on this photo
LOL ..........
18 Jan, 2009
There quite cute in a funny sort of way.
18 Jan, 2009
Very funny photo (and caption). Lightened a rainy, windy day - thank you, Amy. First time I'd seen Michael Parkinson lose his dignity, Wagger, - that was a funny television moment wasn't it?
18 Jan, 2009
great photo Amy
18 Jan, 2009
He...he they look like they mean business Amy!
18 Jan, 2009
What a face lol
18 Jan, 2009
Aren't they odd looking birds. Great pic Amy. LOL
18 Jan, 2009
Even his friend is giving him a strange look! Love this picture. Fancy having emus in your garden - I think I will stick to blackbirds, wagtails, etc. Imagine having to feed them!
18 Jan, 2009
I wonder if they lay eggs like chickens , you wouldn,t need many for an Omelette would you LOL
18 Jan, 2009
Great Pic Amy LOL made me smile :)
19 Jan, 2009
Thanks Jacque :o)
19 Jan, 2009 that was they are? they eat them there? the eyes..who could eat one? :(
28 Jan, 2009
I know they raise Ostriches for meat. I would think they would do the same for emus. I've never had ostrich. I don't think its all that popular.
29 Jan, 2009
There is a Mexican style cafe in Seattle that uses Emu...I have never asked for it...chicken or turkey is about a far as I go...I am not even a goose eater...
29 Jan, 2009
Hmmm. I've had goose and duck and squab.....but I think I'll pass on ostrich and emu too.
What else has everyone tasted? I've also had eel, octapus, squid, snails, moose, bear, venison, rabbit, shark, sushi, sashimi.....that's about the extent of my unusual foods.....some aren't all that unusual. :o)
29 Jan, 2009
I have eaten Sea cucumber and uni from the sea urchin...also octopus, squid but not snails..or moose ...but elk, bear and venison...yes..was that bear or...yeah..think so..anybody eat fafaruu? Smells awfull was offered it but couldn't take a bite...friend did...LOL...oh my.. it smells like an open sewer it is a popular Tahitian favorite...gack...
29 Jan, 2009
I have eaten snails Catfinch when on holiday in France , they do them in Garlic , I,m not to keen on them , they do Frogs legs as well which are not to bad they taste a bit like chicken ....
We don,t normally see Emu here except in places like zoos , it,s very unusual to see them in somebody,s front garden , perhaps they rescued them from a run down zoo ,. we don,t eat them either , at least I don,t know of anyone that has .......LOL ........
There is a pub that claims to sell Ostrich Steaks I haven,t been though ...
29 Jan, 2009
Don't think I would either...silly I suppose...can eat Turkey and chicken just fine...not a vegetarian by any means...going to make a homemade Turkey and sausage vegatable soup this afternoon...
29 Jan, 2009
Sounds delicious Catfinch , homemade soups are my weakness , i,ve constantly got a pot on the go in the winter ..... :o)
29 Jan, 2009
I love making soups and casseroles...don't need recipes..just let my taste buds do the in the winter especially...yes...I will make a big pot and feeze some of it. Will be an easy one to microwave in small amounts...
29 Jan, 2009
Mmmm. I love homemade soup too. Half my family appreciates them (my kids) but the other half are not too thrilled (Murray and his kids). I suppose its all what you grow up with. My two have always had homemade soup but I suppose Murray and his kids haven't. Blending families can be complicated sometimes !! Oh well, their loss. I still make it and freeze batches for lunches etc. :o)
30 Jan, 2009
My grand daughter loved my soup tonight..had seconds put just enough red pepper flakes and black pepper in it to make the throat warm on swallowing..have to say it was pretty tasty now have to get it stored in
30 Jan, 2009
Catfinch ... LOL... I put a few red pepper flakes in as well and black pepper I also find that a teaspoon of Black Onion Seeds adds something to it ....... I think a soup kitchen with great vats of homemade soup would go down very well in a town with lots of crusty bread ,.... has it been tried ...... :o)
There was one in our Local city , I didn,t try it didn,t look tempting and looked such a tiny amount in a plastic pot ........
I think you are right Gilli , a lot depends on what foods you were brought up on ... My Husband would never eat Tomatoe or cheese because his mother didn,t ........ He does now !
30 Jan, 2009
I worked at a large restaruant when my children were small they had a soup there called Bankuptcy was good and it was served with a small loaf of bread on a tiny bread board with a knife in it for was very popular and very inexspensive...should be a top seller now!!!..
I agree as to eating what you are raised mom cooked lots of meat and potatoe type meals it was my dad's favorite..he did not like rice or it took me a while to figure out how to cook it for my husband as these are things he enjoyed as well as later years..after I was parents ate lots of different foods..but not while I was young.
Now I eat basically my style of foods...LOL...and I love cheese's and tomatoes..etc..LOL...and combo's there in Lasagna I tend to make my lasagna with out pasta...using layers of cabbage etc..instead..but not meatless...I also use spaghetti squash as my spaghetti rather than pasta..I am a low carber at heart when i take the time to make a meal...Sweets are my main down chocolate and black licorice...been being a good girl about it for a bit now...It was nice tasting the anise in the sweet Italian sausage I put in my turky and sausage soup...LOL...licorice...yum....
30 Jan, 2009
Your grand daughter will always treasure those lovely warm memories Catfinch , are you lucky enough to have her live near you ? .
My grand daughter and grand son live an hours drive away they are my daughters children, and my sons children 200 miles away they come for their holidays , they always enjoy their food , I think they have hollow legs ... LOL...
I like the sound of sweet italian sausage with anise I dont think we can get that here .
I have a friend who use to buy me aniseed balls as a gift when we were little because she knew it was a favourite of mine ,,,
I like the idea of a little bread board with the bread and soup , my husband always joked that I could open a soup kitchen ..
Maybe I would have tried 20 odd years ago ..... LOL ........
Didn,t have the time then , gosh where does it go ?
30 Jan, 2009
This Grand daughter lives close by and comes after school....she loves to plop down and watch cartoons when she first gets here to unwind..if her mom is later she has dinner with me..other wise she makes herself a snack ....she is getting pretty good in the kitchen for a 10 year old..LOL
30 Jan, 2009
Thats nice , i,m pleased for you ,I wish mine were nearer to me .
My daughters son Ryan is 10 , she says she has a job to keep up with him as they are so up on all this technology these days , it comes naturally to them ,
I do think there is a special bond between grand parents and grand children , they will tell you things that they wouldn,t tell mum , and then you have to pretend that you dont know .......LOL ......
30 Jan, 2009 13 year old grand tells me most things on instant chatty she is on there...this one that comes here..likes to text
31 Jan, 2009
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Memories of Michael Parkinson under attack!
18 Jan, 2009