By Bonkersbon
- 26 Jan, 2009
Comments on this photo
well camouflaged..Nice pic BB
26 Jan, 2009
That is definitely going on my faves......lucky you BB what a selection of birds you have.
26 Jan, 2009
Quite a common bird but very easy to miss Janey esp with his back to you - when they turn sideways that white breast gives him away.
If you can stand doing it smearing those fat balls or your own recipe - into crevices in trees will attract these , nuthatches and woodpeckers.
26 Jan, 2009
ive never seen one either BB, great photo
26 Jan, 2009
How lovely BB - I've never seen one either Jacque. Do they prefer any particular trees BB? I want one, lol.
26 Jan, 2009
They seem to prefer older trees with plenty of soft bark for bugs and insects to crawl into.They start at the bottom and walk up a tree a nuthatch will start at the top and walk down.
This helps to focus camera on tree knowing which direction they are heading in ! lol
26 Jan, 2009
So I suppose they like crack willow trees then BB. So the tree creeper and the nut hatch meet in the middle then, lol. You've done so well to get this photo.
26 Jan, 2009
He he Dawn - suppose they might lol.
26 Jan, 2009
Well caught BB , was this in your garden , It,s a lovely photo :o)
26 Jan, 2009
Nice.....well done............
26 Jan, 2009
Yes Amy he visits quite often and actually quite a common woodland bird .
26 Jan, 2009
I've only got a eucalyptus BB with not many cracks and we're in the middle of the don't suppose they would come here.......
26 Jan, 2009
Maybe not Janey ..a eucalyptus eh perhaps more chance of a Koala bear then ?
26 Jan, 2009
BB: Just going back to smearing food into the crevices of the tree for these birds and the woodpecker etc. is it OK to use peanut butter as this was mentioned on one of those wildlife programmes recently.
26 Jan, 2009
Reckon so Dawn - think it would have to be the crunchy variety to really appeal .If any US members reading this then wouldnt recommend as peanut butter and jelly more likely to attract your racoons than
26 Jan, 2009
A first for me too, great shot BB.
27 Jan, 2009
It doesn't have to be crunchy peanut butter BB. They like the smooth just as much. I used smooth for my woodpeckers and just mixed in the sunflower seeds and fruit.
Spreading it on the tree trunk may also bring your squirrels down for a feed. They all like the peanut butter (without the jelly).
Your UK Treecreeper looks exactly the same as our Brown Creeper. Their latin names are different so they must be different somehow.
27 Jan, 2009
What a great photo... ive seen these in the New Forest.............
27 Jan, 2009
Awhhh, how cute...! I want one.....! I will have to google and see if we have one similar here where I live. Excellent shot, bet it's rare to see his white breast.
27 Jan, 2009
Thanks for recipe Gilli.Will be giving it a try,sounds delicious !
New forest Hollyeves..well they do love woodland.
Flc,sometimes hard to see brown back as matches the bark...but then you get that flash of white...
27 Jan, 2009
Hi All, thanks for the info on the peanut butter. Hope no-one sees me out there smearing peanut butter on a tree trunk, lol, especially the racoons!
27 Jan, 2009
Does it really matter Dawn...a lot of people would say we are bonkers anyway !!lol
27 Jan, 2009
Fantastic photo of the tree creeper,I wandered if it was a chance photo or if you waited patiently 4 ages
1 Feb, 2009
Thanks Kipper bit of both really as knew this a tree he favoured and was actually photographing something else when he arrived .They start at bottom of tree and work they way up in a spiral so waited for him to move into shot !
Often the best way to photo birds as many have favourite perches and feeding sites, focus on them and hope they land rather than try to follow them round the garden like I used to do !
1 Feb, 2009
I looked up treecreepers in my book to see if we had them here, and we do, but I haven't seen one. Their camoflage is working, I guess.
1 Feb, 2009
We occaisionaly get/see tree creeprs in our garden. Really fun birds to watch.
13 Feb, 2009
Agree...they literally creep around the trees in search of insects.
13 Feb, 2009
Terrific photo BB !
8 Dec, 2009
Thanks Muddywalters.
9 Dec, 2009
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OOOooooo Iv never seen1 of these ! Its so lovely :) Great Shot 2
26 Jan, 2009