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My Back Yard Shade Growing Area

My Back Yard Shade Growing Area

This is where all my shade-loving plants grow in my back yard. The middle plant is Alocasia 'Brian Williams'. And all my hundreds of palms.

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Great collection of palms - what types do you have in there!

30 Jan, 2009



I have many species of: Prithcardia, Dypsis, Chamaedorea, Linospadix, Hyophorbe, Chambeyronia, Ptycosperma, Howea, Archontophoenix, Wodyetia, Trachycarpus, Euterpe, Rhaphis, Livistona, Rhopalostylis, Phoenix, and more...

31 Jan, 2009


Well you might be the very person who can help identify the palms in my yard - don't really know much about them, except they're growing beautifully! I grabbed them years ago in the nursery and I have forgotten most of their names.

31 Jan, 2009



I've belonged to the International Palm Society off-and-on since 1984. I do know quite a bit about palms.

1 Feb, 2009


I Love your Alocasia, On my wish list :)

1 Feb, 2009


You've made really good use of this shady area.
Nice area of your garden. :o)

1 Feb, 2009


I'm with Youngdaisydee on this one. I love my colocasias, in fact I've just found one this afternoon Colocasia gigantea. Do you find these all need shade and plenty of water? I read somewhere recently that they take up loads of water and must never dry out.

9 Feb, 2009



Alocasia, Colocasia, and Caladium need plenty of water during the growing season and need to kept fairly dry during the Winter. If kept too wet in Winter they can rot...however, in the ground they will grow along streams.

They can grow in quite a bit of Sun as long as it's relatively humid. In San Diego close to the coast they will grow easily in full Sun...inland they need semi-shade.

11 Feb, 2009


Thanks Delonix1,
Last summer was truly appalling in Cornwall for rain, rain and more rain.My colocasias were outside again for the season but it was too cold for them I think and they never got on their way. So now they're in my conservatory and starting to improve!

11 Feb, 2009



They definitely need heat to grow well...besides the rain.

12 Feb, 2009

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