
15 Feb, 2009
Paddy went for a nice walk on the 'Cuckoo Trail' in East Sussex today. A change of scenery for him while we visited my wife's mum. He decided to have a sit down at this stage so got a photo during a rare moment that he was still. Not so pleasant on the way back as two Rottweilers on the other side of the road took a dislike to him and one of them dragged his owner into the road to try and get across to Paddy. It's a worry when people have dogs that are stronger than them but don't have complete control of them!
Comments on this photo
Know what you mean, wer'nt they muzled, Must have been pretty scarey.
15 Feb, 2009
Your dog is gorgeous!
15 Feb, 2009
It is worrying when there are loose dogs out of control ~
or dogs which are too strong for their owners.
Lovely photo :o)
15 Feb, 2009
No they weren't muzzled. Big powerful looking dogs and the chap pulled with all his might and both hands on the lead but I didn't think he was going to be able to stop him when he pulled him into the road. Fortunately it was a very thick strong (rope type) lead so it didn't snap. Don't get me wrong, they didn't look or act like irresponsible dog owners, but it was clear that this particular dog was very hard to handle and I dread to think what would have happened had he got loose.
15 Feb, 2009
Aw....poor Paddy...he is lovely he a Fell Terrier?
15 Feb, 2009
Hi Janey, No, his mother is a Border Terrier and we were told that the sire was a pure Border Terrier as well but I'm pretty sure there's some Jack Russell in him. He was the last of the litter left when we got him at 11 weeks old so we didn't see the others but I suspect they had true Border looks which is why they sold and not Paddy. But we fell in love with him. So friendly and playful, still like a pup now at nearly 6 years old!
15 Feb, 2009
He looks a real sweetie....I think our Finn has Jack Russell in him too...he is part Fox Terrier...he has a wobbly back leg lol, and on holiday someone said that was a Jack Russell trait!
15 Feb, 2009
Strange you should say that. Paddy sometimes lifts one of his rear legs when he's walking or running but not as much now as he did until he was about 4. I didn't know that it was a Jack russel trait though. That confirms my thoughts about his breeding a little more.
16 Feb, 2009
It was interesting to read about the Jack Russell leg discussion! Chloe is half JR and half rough coated dachshund - she always used to run with a little hop of the back legs and when going upstairs she used to do it on only 3 legs. Her brother, Mungo, didn't seem to have the same trait. Your Paddy is lovely.
16 Feb, 2009
Yes, I was interested to hear Janey's comment about the hop being a Jack Russel trait. I can remember when Paddy was very young someone at the park when I was walking him said 'Oh, he's got the little dog hop' He said it's nothing to worry about,most small dogs have it. I didn't think much about it at the time but I reckon most of the 'small' dogs he had seen had some Jack Russel in their breeding.
16 Feb, 2009
my Ruby does the jack russell hop too...i took her to the vets when she was a pup.
17 Feb, 2009
Yes, I've seen lots of little terriers do that back leg hop.
It is quite common.
Some seem to hop less as they get older. Lol. :o)
17 Feb, 2009
I wonder if Paddy is affected less now because he takes a joint supplement as he started having real stiff legs after laying down for a while a couple of years ago but the supplement seems to work and maybe help his hop as well.
17 Feb, 2009
Such a lovely pup!!!
19 Feb, 2009
He is very sweet :o)
19 Feb, 2009
Scary, so glad they managed to keep the big dogs back.
We took in a terrier-mix a long time ago whose hind leg had been injured before he came to us. Sometimes he would hold that leg up and if we said "aw poor puppy" to him he would lift both hind legs and walk on his his front legs for a bit.
20 Feb, 2009
A real performer then weeds11. Paddy isn't talented like that!
20 Feb, 2009
my ruby lifts her front leg for sympathy....and yes it usualy
20 Feb, 2009
Paddy tends to do that when he anticipates something good or he thinks he can see someone coming to see him.
20 Feb, 2009
Sandra - It always worked for Tiki too. They always know what works on us don't they?
21 Feb, 2009
the people who owned the rotweilers ought to have them trained properly or the owners be trained on how to look after their dogs whilst walking them. Whatever the size of dog they ought to behave whilst on the lead. Dog owners should remember that a dog is a pack animal and there is always a pack leader and the dog owner should be the pack leader. Just a thought.
21 Feb, 2009
Yes, I agree Linda. I don't like to condemn everyone who's dog misbehaves a little but as you say it's important to be in control of the dog and that's more poignant when it's such a big, powerful dog! I don't mind admitting, I was very worried at the time and concerned at what would happen!
21 Feb, 2009
Not everyone likes dogs and some people are scared of them for some reason or another. If children get bitten it's the rest of their lives that they have to live with the scars. I must admit though I love dogs and they are such companions. I have an adopted one eyed Siamese cat called Twinkle and shes more like a dog, following me around everywhere.
21 Feb, 2009
I certainly know how you feel about the "sitting still" bit. I can never get a good pic of Roxie as she is always on the go!!
3 Apr, 2009
Yes, Leo.I very often get a pic of his tail as he moves out of shot!
3 Apr, 2009
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Great Shot of Paddy Paul :)
15 Feb, 2009