Clematis " Wisley Cream "
By Amy

16 Feb, 2009
Comments on this photo
I,ve seen it on other peoples pics. so many times that in the end I had to get one Milky :o)
16 Feb, 2009
Lovely. This is on my recent pictures if anyone would like to see the flowers. :o)
Started blooming around November and still in flower.
16 Feb, 2009
I bought it after having seen yours TT , I hope mine does as well it,s beautiful :o)
16 Feb, 2009
And a Wisley Cream......wonderful My old one needs a good prune after it's finished.
16 Feb, 2009
Amy ~ This may take a couple of years to really get going, but then it will be lovely. :o)
16 Feb, 2009
I would love to grow this one too Amy. But it is not hardy enough for my area. :o(
17 Feb, 2009
Would this work against a sunny wall together witha climbing rose? Trying to think of where I could plant one where I can see it flowering in winter from the kitchen window!
17 Feb, 2009
It would gwendas , i,m going to put a rose with mine it gives it something to support it and flower at different times , I like to see things from the kitchen window as well , problem is I can,t put every thing within sight of it ... LOL ...
Shame about that Gilli :o(
17 Feb, 2009
The WC on my photos is planted with two climbing roses and also winter jasmine. I can see them all from my studio window, so year round colour. I checked on WC yesterday and despite the recent freeze and snow it is putting on new shoots. Seems surprisingly hardy in my garden !
18 Feb, 2009
I so loved the look of yours Terratoonie I'm afraid I've copied you both and ordered one! My local GC didn't have one so got it on-line! Am going to let it grow up with my Crown Princess Margareta rose - thanks for your help you two.
Jo x
20 Feb, 2009
Jo ~
WC will give so much winter interest.
You won't regret it. TTxxx
20 Feb, 2009
Good for you Gwendas .. :o)
20 Feb, 2009
LOL......I'm sorry TT but my first thought when I read your abbreviation "WC" was NOT Wisley Cream. It took me a moment to realise that you weren't talking about roses growing in the loo. LOL
Jo~ I love Crown Princess Margareta. I bet it will look fab with the "WC"
21 Feb, 2009
LOL.. I must admit that was my first thought Gilli untill I re read it :o)
Good one TT ! two climbing roses and winter Jasmine in the WC . LOL .............
21 Feb, 2009
If you see the thread under my photo of WC in flower, you'll fine more 'double-meaning' WC comments. Lol.
Such as you'd spend more than a penny on one of these. Lol..
21 Feb, 2009
Hello! My WC has arrived! Looks in good condition - fingers crossed! It's chucking down outside so hope it will be better out there for me to plant it tomorrow afternoon. Got yours in ok Amy?
3 Mar, 2009
So pleased, Gwendas, to know your WC has arrived. :o)
3 Mar, 2009
Yes Gwendas mine is well and truly tucked in .. I,m pleased that your WC has arrived in good condition .. we will be able to compare notes .. who will get a flower first .. I will .. you will .. etc.. LOL ..
I hope it stops raining long enough for you to plant yours tomorrow :o)
3 Mar, 2009
Pictures by amy
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This photo is of species cirrhosa (Clematis).
This photo is of "Clematis " Wisley Cream "" in Amy's garden
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This is one of my favorites Amy..............
16 Feb, 2009