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Island Cottage front garden - in summer

Island Cottage front garden - in summer

this shows how well our front garden recovers from floods! this part of the garden is covered in about 2 feet of water many winters, sometimes for weeks on end.

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This is pretty :o)
How much flooding do you get in your cottage ?

18 Feb, 2009


No flooding in the house at all, I'm very pleased to say!

It probably isn't very easy to see in this photo, but the building is about 3 feet higher than the garden, with a raised brick walkway around the whole of the cottage.

Just in case it ever came up high, we've also got 'tanking' (the stuff that they use to make the insides of swimming pools waterproof) on the inside walls (means that we have things like electric plugs and switches high up, just in case, but we're used to it now!) so that would keep the water out anyway.

18 Feb, 2009


That's good.
You've taken lots of very sensible precautions to keep the water out.
Does the river ever flood other than in winter ?

18 Feb, 2009


Sometimes in spring or autumn, but mainly winter. It did flood one summer - can't remember if it was 2008 or 2007, but again, the garden recovered OK!

18 Feb, 2009


What a very pretty cottage, am very envious!!

18 Feb, 2009


me too SK, its a beautiful cottage

18 Feb, 2009


OOOOOOOooooo Your Home is Stunning Greenmaxine,Lucky u iv always wanted to live in a Cottage :)

18 Feb, 2009


Very beautiful Maxine! A proper chocolate box cottage..............and stunning garden too.

18 Feb, 2009


That looks lovely, Maxine. Must be a lot of hard work to keep it like that in such adverse conditions.

19 Feb, 2009


Actually not - the garden is also designed to be quite low-maintenance! thanks for all the lovely comments.

19 Feb, 2009


fancy a swap? Dont suppose hosepipe bans worry you much!

20 Feb, 2009


What can I say that hasn't already been said. Stunning.

22 Feb, 2009


This is absolutely beautiful. welcome to GOY. I fall in love with my garden every time I look at it, which is every waking hours. I adore gardening and my garden and everyone's too.

30 Mar, 2009

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