My Hawthorn Buds for Dawn
By Jacque

10 Mar, 2009
Its Shooting well now :)
Comments on this photo
I Purchased this Bare Rooted Milky In Dec last Yr & im looking very forward to seeing The Flowers 2 :) I cut off the Top & Potted it up 2 see if itl grow ? :)
10 Mar, 2009
Lovely to see things starting to grow.. my twisted curly willow tree is in bud and my roses.. have liitle shoots coming......
10 Mar, 2009
The Joys Of Spring Hey Holly :) My Own Roses have some lovely New Growth 2 :) Iv started to Spray them against Black Spot already & Sprinkled Some Yellow Sulphur On Top of The Soil which should also help :)Even My Clematises have got some Fat Buds On :)
10 Mar, 2009
Ahh! the darling buds of May,
10 Mar, 2009
How I Loved That Programme FF :) With David Jason 1 of My Fav Actors &Lovely Cathrine Zeta-Jones :)
10 Mar, 2009
Oh you're spraying already Jacque.....I shall have to get a move on then. Do you get the sulphur from a garden centre?
10 Mar, 2009
Hi Janey im hopeing itl work as my Roses suffered terrible last yr :( I got My Sulphur From Baytree Nursury Janey as it was`nt in Homebase/B&Qs ect :/ Hope ul find some easier than i did :)
10 Mar, 2009
Thanks Jacque....I'll have a look in Wilcos too. :o)
10 Mar, 2009
Lovely Jacque. I set some seed of hawthorn at the beginning of last year, but only one germinated. That one is now about 12" high and I have planted it the garden. Not to be discouraged I some more a few days ago and am waiting to see what happens. They form a good habitat for birds and as you know have lovely white or red flowers. I hope yours grows to a good sized specimen. Are you going to keep it as a bush or are you going to let it develop into a tree?
10 Mar, 2009
Your welcome Janey :) Im letting this grow in2 a Bush Toto i think The Birds Might Like That Better :)
10 Mar, 2009
I think youe right Jacque. They'll be nice and secure in there.
11 Mar, 2009
Everything is bursting out all over now isn,t it , it,s lovely to walk round each day and spot something new :o)
11 Mar, 2009
Oh! yes Amy. This afternoon I spotted two little groups of seedlings growing in my garden. As they were two very distinct groups at least 20ft apart and each group only about 12" diameter I don't think they are weed seeds as I think they woud be more scattered. I've pricked out 15 of one and 12 of the other in the hope that I'll get some free flowers. Knowing my luck though, they will probably turn out to be weeds after all. Still, nothing ventured!
11 Mar, 2009
Great photo Jacque its lovely to see so many things starting to come back to life after winter...
13 Mar, 2009
Thanks Jacque .... good sign, you'll have a large bush for the birds in no time and once they start eating the berries, you'll have little hawthorns growing all over the garden, lol. I bought a hawthorn tree last year - the one that has the blossom the same colour as Janette's avatar, so I'm looking forward to seeing that in blossom this year :-)
14 Mar, 2009
O Amy /Toto iv so Much Coming2life & so many Seedlings i dont think il need half the Flowers/Plants iv grown in My Greenhouse :) Well u cant have to many can u ;) O it is so Brill Janette to see Life coming back after such a Hoorrid Winter :) OOOOOOOOOoo Dawn i do hope Mines the Pink 1 it sounds Wonderful :)
16 Mar, 2009
The ones in my hedge have the white flowers, with a hint of pink - they all have beautiful blossom!
16 Mar, 2009
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I love Hawthorn Jacque............such pretty little flowers
10 Mar, 2009